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should i watch watchman

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jonathan 321, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. jonathan 321

    jonathan 321 Guest

    i dont know but it looks cool should i watch watchman ?
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Did you mean this?

  3. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    Short answer. Yes. If you haven't read the graphic novel you might be a little lost. There's a lot of filler material left out, and much left up to the viewer to assume/fill in.

    Overall it's a movie worth seeing at least once.
  4. [Game|Freak]

    [Game|Freak] Well-Known Member

    The movie is great I just saw it today and I got to say it's a must see. I never followed the comic but you won't get lost that badly the movie sort of has it's own plot.
  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    How you give for this movie?
  6. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member


    There are parts that drag on, and the quick shift to soft core porn in the middle is a bit excessive.
  7. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    don't watch it

    the is the kind of movie that people call "OVERRATED"
  8. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should try to watch it..
    Is it in GSC yet kukuru?
  9. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member


    but it will around mid-August
  10. GlidingGoose

    GlidingGoose Well-Known Member

    So, So true.

    The fight scenes are cool, but the movie is sooooooo bad! It has pointless bits, stupid bits, important bits made crap and a weird blue tiger! WTF!
  11. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    i hate that blue freak

    he walking around.....nude
  12. GlidingGoose

    GlidingGoose Well-Known Member

    I know right! I was thinking...Hmmm, this movie isnt worth it, then BAM hands get sawed off and i say "Not bad, not bad" then that blue turd comes out of nowhere and shows his cock to everyone!
  13. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I didn't like the comics and I didn't like the movie either, but it did have some nice effects in it but all in all it sucked. Still don't understand why they claimed the comics was considered the top 100 stories of all time, yeah maybe back in 1985 it would have been.
  14. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    i didnt read the graphic novel

    do both have the same storyline?
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    This comic, as all comics, allows time for the reader to decide what to take from that read. The film is one take on what seems an obvious story. The real story is lost on most readers and lost in the film. It is not a literal tale.
    It may be argued that the real meaning behind the comic is too occult for some therefore its important message is lost. The film offers everything superficial about this comic and badly explores the obvious story while ignoring the meaning of the tale, a good film can get away with raping a good story.
    Sadly this is a case of a bad director (Zach Snyder) who took a shitty script from David Hayter and Alex Tse (both of which have no understanding of anything that smacks of subtlety or allegory) and then tried to make a mass consumable product of a very difficult original message.
    This film fails.
  16. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Watchmen started as a 12 part comic limited series in 1986-1987 before they put them into one Graphic Novel in 1995 thats why I still claim them as "comics"
  17. GlidingGoose

    GlidingGoose Well-Known Member

    It's not good if you dont like the storyline of the comics (which I own) but i do like the comics and the movie didnt live up to it! The male nudity wasn't good...it was weird. The effects were awesome though
  18. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Yes. Tittie exposure alone should direct your penis towards this movie.
  19. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    Yeah Glide,

    I havent read the graphic novel, so i watch the movie

    now im confused about your statement..
  20. _Shion

    _Shion Well-Known Member

    Then why the fuck did you watch it...