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Should I upgrade from AK2i to SuperCard?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by mikeac, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I personally enjoy my AceKard a lot, but I just got my hands on some money and I am wondering if I should upgrade to the SuperCardDSONEi, or the DSTWO when it is out and got good reviews. Or possibly the iEDGE. Opinions?
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Well you should wait until Supercard DStwo actually releases and gets good reviews.
    Because the Acekard can do everything a Iegde and SuperCardDSONEi can do.
    Also keep your Acekard just in case.
  3. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Yeah well, I hate having to wait for new loaders every time an AP-Protected game is out, even with AKAIO. SuperCard has Patch Mode, and is more compatible with games. Plus, the Real Time Guide, Cheat, and Save are great features. Those are the features I want with AKAIO if they ever get it. And I want the DSTWOs GBA, SNES, and NES on-board hardware features without the use of a Slot-2 card.
  4. gamefreak6597

    gamefreak6597 Member

    then go waste ur money for all we care
  5. useurcamera

    useurcamera Active Member

    i doubt if that is even called an upgrade :p
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I don't know the details (ie, which are better/worse than the others), but most of the quality cards have auto-patchers. Acekard, Cyclo, Edge, EZflash (I believe). It's not something exclusive to Supercard. But that auto patchers are not perfect, and are based on what has been seen with previous games.

    Judging by the newest topics in the Technical Help section, it seems some games work on Acekard but not on Supercard, and vice versa. So I wouldn't think that getting a Supercard will solve your AP issues, you'll still have to wait for patches from the developers or from crackers.
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I've seriously thought this through a lot.

    And I have decided that I won't be purchasing a SuperCard DSTwo... :\

    It just doesn't seem worth it to me in the long run.

    I'd just be able to play GBA on my DS, when I can already on my PSP.
    But, I may get one if it's worth it, or just wait and see what the Acekard team comes out with if they ever release a higher-quality cart! (don't start any crap please... -_-''...it's just skepticism on my half).