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Should I update my 3DS?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Jiminy Crickets, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    Just got a 3DS and I'm not sure if I want to connect it to my wifi in fear of it wanting me to update. This is because I am running a acecard2i with it and not sure if an 3DS update would render it unusable or anything like that.

    Anybody know anything about this?

    Thanks. :)
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member


    What you need to do, is to patch your card and then you can update your 3DS. This means downloading the file and updating it on a DS or DS Lite
    Follow this tutorial:

    1. Format your SD card using the Panasonic SD Formatter 3.1
    2. Download my AceKard Package
    3. Copy the files from the AceKard Package to the root of your SD
    4. Run the card on a DS or DS Lite
    5. Select the 'AK2i DSi 1.43, 3DS 3.0 Patch.nds' from the menu
    6. Follow the promps
    7. Reboot your DS and then insert your AK2i into the 3DS (or DSi etc.)
    8. Done. You are now able to use your AceKard and update to the 3DS to the 3.0.0-6 firmware.

    Hope this helps
  3. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    OK, I had my AK2i firmware patched already but I did format my SD card with that format utility you linked me to. Thanks, I really appreciate it. :)
  4. DominicSpolec

    DominicSpolec Active Member

    yeah, just remember one thing, don't update your console unless you have updated your flashcard
  5. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    OK, thanks :)
  6. OmegaFlare2

    OmegaFlare2 Well-Known Member

    Wait so for step 7, you insert the updated AK2i into the DSi and not the 3DS? Please clarify I want to make sure what I'm doing is right.
  7. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    The update file is for updating the acekard for the DSi and the 3DS, read step 5.

    So the acekard will work on both handhelds.
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Sorry it is still DSi. I copied it from an earlier thread and forgot to modify it.
    Yes, it is the same for the 3DS. It will work on either console.
    Post Merge: [time]1331628899[/time]
    I added a new AceKard package with the new firmware.
    I updated the post with the steps above with it, but you can get it from this post aswell.

    AceKard Package - Mediafire

    If you want it on another filehost, ask, and I will do it for you.