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Should I Sell My PSP 3000 To Buy A 3rd-Gen iTouch?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by tarotmaniac, May 10, 2010.

  1. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    By that I mean as a whole, in generally. Not only in terms of gaming but as a portable device.
    I bought my PSP last Dec and All I've been playing is Katamari, Dissidia, Tekken, Loco Roco and Some vintage games. I haven't been able to play any newer games since I find updating the PSP challenging and scary since i might do something wrong. And Recent months I've been using my PSP just to listen to music, so i thought I've been only listening to music and since my PSP's price is about the same as an 8gb iTouch, it got me thinking, and I've been debating with myself these past few days. So i need help in deciding if i'm going to do the right thing. Here are some Pros and Cons if i do sell it

    *My PSP is just practically a music player for me these days so the iTouch change would be nice
    *in terms of games, The iTouch has some pretty nice free games that arent a hassle to download, unlike the PSP's huge games that some times need a fix in which the fix won't come out till months later
    *The iTouch hands down is more portable and easier to bring around than the PSP
    *the iTouch has a seamless touch screen and would pair nicely with my DS lite
    *The wifi and internet connection of the iTouch is nicer, faster and better comapared to the PSP's web browser
    *the iTouch has web messenger and nice apps the are essentially helpful

    *The PSP has better and nicer graphics when it comes to games
    *I won't be able to play Katamari anymore and the new KH(the 2 reasons i bought a PSP in the first place)
    *I will miss my PSP
    * The iTouch's nicer games aren't free and you need to but them (unless one of you knows a place i can get them for free without jail breaking it :D )

    Additional notes:
    I want to play the New KH but apparently it wont be released till the end of the year or summer if I'm not mistaken. and i'm so sure it needs a fix plus i'll need to update my software which I'm not good at. so i don't see much of a lose on my part. Ill also miss katamari.

    Thats my argument and ill update it if i see i missed something. I'd like your input if i'm doing the right thing based on my personal view.


  2. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Ipod in general is overrated. Don't miss undestand me, Apple makes great computers, but as a mp3 player and those crap... well.

    First you must think about "What I need and what I have", so, If your psp do averything that the Ipod does, then, why to buy it?.

    Personally I would keep the psp because the games are simply greater than the ones the the Ipod touch have, and the PSP can be hacked so you can "put" some roms on it and have more fun.

    I Just don't see the necesity of buying the Ipod (I mean if I was you of course), but in the end... is all your choice.

  3. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    First I'd like to say thanks for your input and I don't take any offense to your opinion. I use to think as well that the iPod was over rated but it changed when I actually got one when my dad gave me a iPod Nano for my birthday 2 years ago(i recently died and it cant be replaced since it;s out of warranty and I have to pay for a new one hence this whole topic). Yes i've been using it as a music player and why change it you asked? well its all about the quality. Apple has made a great music player and the sound is just amazing. plus most of the PSP games are so big, that I have a limit to how many songs i can put. So with that I would want a proper music player, It's just something about the quality of the sound that makes me love Apple.

    and about hacking. I have a DS so i sort of know a thing or two, but when it comes to the PSP it so different. Unlike the Ds where we work on the Flash cart the PSP we work on the system itself and I'm terrified that i might do something wrong and will lead me to spending alot just to have it repaired only to break it again just to get to play the new games that needs a new firmware... so yeah iTouch.
  4. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Why don't you just keep the PSP and save up some money for a "mid level" MP3 player
    You know, something not too crap, but not too fancy (still with great audio).
    I used to have an Ipod so I know that the audio quality is not something out of this world, there are some good mp3 players that do the job, and they are cheaper (but on the side of the games... well here goes a point for the Ipod XD).
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The ipod games are generally crap, so I wouldn't buy the ipod for it's games...here's a tip.

    Get the classic 120gb, use it as a portable hard drive, as well as music/movies/pictures as you normally would, and just letting you know, itunes is a bitch to use, be prepared to take your time with it...

    I use my psp just for games, also because yours is a 3000, unless you update the firmware officially it won't have any risk of bricking it, the homebrew apps that enable games to run on it won't hurt the console if anything goes wrong at all.

    If you had a 2000/1000, then there is a risk, lucky for me I got the "tool" to fix it :p
  6. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    And here goes another good reason about why you shouldn't change you psp for the Ipod... and yeah, Itunes is a bitch!
  7. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I agree with the iTunes thing being a bitch but I've gotten used to it now. I'll give a try updating my firmware then if all goes well, i'll just save up for the iTouch I just really want one. I woke up one day with it in my head and it's been there ever since.
  8. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    mmm... well good luck.
    Personally if I was you, I would buy any other music player (even a CD-player would be better (in my opinion))... but... I'm not you!, so good luck folk!

  9. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    i stop you there the ipod video is very good nice screen to watch all my movies and anime. now when it comes to it just keep the psp you wont get back a lot of money form gamestop or any thing and if you waiting for kingdom harts then wait i love that series and it might just be worth the wait
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    He didn't mention anything about the videos...

    Regardless, while I have tools for awesome near dvd quality movies o my psp, I wouldn't use the psp for that...nether the ipod.

    I watch them at home, when i'm out and about I just listen to music (when in motion-ipod) or play games (psp).

    It helps to have money for both, also a psp 3000 is still worth a bit...but ask about the price before letting your trade in place deal with it.
  11. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I'd go for it.
    The iTouch, contrary to popular belief, does have some really good game on it. I jailbroke my iTouch, and can now get almost every app for free. The Jailbreak process is really easy too.
  12. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I'm from the Philippines and the dollar to peso exchange right now is 1$ is to 44 Pesos. I bought my PSP 3000 for about 10,000 Pesos which is about 200$ and I can sell it for around 8-9,000 and a iTouch here costs about 10,000 in the Apple store so i pretty much just need to add 1-2,000 pesos.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the ipod is not a good MP3 player. the sound quality is pretty poor, and the DRM and restrictions apple enforce are ridiculous. It's also overpriced, has a bad interface and when the battery gives up you have to pay apple to replace it.
  14. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    As soon as you jailbreak it with spirit, you are fine. You can access it's filesystem, which is normally restricted, when it's not jailbroken. There is always Install0us for apps, and there is no more music restrictions anymore. Still, it sucks.
  15. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, it's still a pain in the ass even when Jailbroken.
    Get a Zune HD, I've heard those are really good. Or just a regular Zune, you can get 10x the amount of Gigs that you can get on the iTouch..
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    jailbreaking does not fix the shit sound quality or the bad interface. Nor does it make it less overpriced.
  17. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    I'm slowly going for not selling it. Sadly I can't buy a Zune here but i do hear its really amazing @-)
  18. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    If you want a great sound quality the important thing is not the player, the thing that chage the sound experience are the earphones/speakers.

    The video quality... yeah is good, but as hypnos said, If i gonna see a movie... I see it on my house, or go to the teather.

    Do you know the Iriver?.
    Is cheaper and is not bad, but as well, I don't consider it the best.
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    And the SNR of the player. That is where the ipod sucks. top of the range earphones arent going to improve things if the output of the player is shit, they'll make it worse.

    I personally have an iriver H320 and its excellent. Does exactly what I want, has really good battery life and extremely good sound quality.
  20. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    What about a Zune? They say its good, and i'm actually considering to get one, the HD or the one before that.