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Should I return my acekard?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by archlvt, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    In the last 2 days or so, I've found that my soulsilver stops responding when I come out of a trade or when I set up my wifi. Also, about 30% of the time when I turn my ds on, it doesn't detect that my acekard is even there. But if I shut it off and back on (without even taking the acekard out and putting it back in) it works again.

    I mean, It's playable now, but is it on the verge of breaking? Or is it normal for this to happen every so often?

    The detection problems were always there, but the freezing was only recent. The game music continues to play but I can't move. (it isn't the roms fault, I've been playing this rom for a week on the acekard before now and it was fine).

    Should I return it to shoptemp? It's a really, really long shipping time. It took 13 days to get here.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    13 days really isn't that long. I've had people wait longer for items shipped from with in the US.

    First: Do you regularly blow into the cart slot and on the contacts of the cart? There may be dirt on both that is destroying the connection between the contacts and the actual slot.

    Second: If the problem persists, get a VERY SMALL amount of rubbing alcohol, put it on a Q-Tip, and GENTLY wipe it across the contacts of the cart. You have to be very careful though.

    Third: This may just be an issue with your MicroSD card. I assume your running AKAIO 1.7, so AP shouldn't be an issue for any Pokemon games. Try backing up and formatting your card to see if it fixes the freezing. I did have freezing by cause of my cart before with my R4, but that was because the contacts and/or the cart slot were dusty or dirty and just had to be blown off. Sometimes I have to reset my system to get it to read the cart, but I never know which part to blame anymore.
  3. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    As I said though, I don't even remove the cart. When it doesn't detect, I simply turn it off and on again.

    The freezing ingame isn't random though. It seems to only happen after closing out of wifi, it never interrupts my gameplay, so it's tolerable, I'm just worried about the future.

    And for some reason, effective today, mario bros on nesDS has stopped working for no apparent reason. Zelda still works, but when i try to boot up mario, it's just black. It doesn't freeze, as I can still navigate through the emulator's menu.

    Really weird, but I'm starting to get a really bad feeling. It was all going so flawlessly too :( I shoulda known I can't have this much enjoyment without a price.
  4. Kaptan

    Kaptan Well-Known Member

    Another trick you can try is to insert a small bit on cardboard or hard plastic in the slot with the acekard as this can make it a tighter fit and there is less chance of the game freezing because you have lost contact. I did that with mine and have had no problems since.
  5. O Ryans

    O Ryans Member

    Hmm, yea my AK has been doing this for awhile now to, excact same problems and all.
    But mine doesn't do this much now... How long has this been happaning?
  6. Emma1981

    Emma1981 Active Member

    I can't comment on the game freezing as I don't know about this stuff but my Acekard also does not register in my DS from time to time. It has been like this since new, but seeing as though it's just a case of turning the DS off and on again, it hasn't really bothered me.
  7. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Oh I didn't update this thread... The problem was fixed. Using soft reset corrupts your data. It prevented my firmware from booting. Then I noticed games were freezing, and a lot of the games wouldn't boot.

    Here's what you do. Sort your microSD card by type, and drag all your .sav files out. Format your microSD using the panasonic formatter. Put fresh .ds roms back on your sd card, drag the .sav files back into the microSD. This wipes everything clean. If you're like me, and you rename your ROMs to look pretty in the firmware menu, make sure the .sav and the .nds files are EXACTLY the same name, or it won't recognize the save file.