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Should I get another 360?

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by Fergalator, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Fergalator

    Fergalator Member

    I already have a 360, Japanese and modded (Couldn't careless about online). The DVD drive as usual on all my optical drive consoles gave up on me and won't play games anymore. I don't I have RRoD. So do you people think I should try to fix my current 360 or just buy a new Core/Arcade/whatever MS calls their 200 bucks 360?

    Personally the only games I am REALLY looking forward to is Forza 2 (my 360 broke on this game... DAMN YOU) and Fable 2. Maybe other games if the 360 can keep itself intact. (DMC4 comes to mind, but I've never played a DMC game before)
  2. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    well i'd say if your in america or canada get a new one, since it's not overpriced, because the 360 elite is $399.99 CAD and the 360 60 Gb Pro is only $299.99 CAD in USD it's all the same price, just in american dollars, and it's a better buy than the Wii, but PS3 depends =P but if you live in america, or canada, or anywhere else, i'd say get a new one (japan 360 region codes?) or if u live in china or japan than i'd say fix it up. or get a new one anyways =P (i like getting new things)
  3. Fergalator

    Fergalator Member

    No, I don't live in NA nor East Asia. I can get an Arcade/Core 360 for 230 to 250 bucks, but fixing the one I have is definitely going to be cheaper, but there's the chance of it breaking again (the lens went kapoosh in a month!!). So I have no idea what to do. I already have an HDD and a wireless controller that came with my JP 360.
  4. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    like i said get a new Xbox 360 either elite, or the 60gb one because you can't save any games on the arcade one trust me you can't, so it'd be better to get the 60gb one, best buy :)
  5. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Fix it yourself....all you'll have to do is replace it with a drive of the same make...
    If that works...you have valuable experience and a working 360...
    If it doesn't, you can buy a new one...

    http://forums.llamma.com for all your repair questions etc.
  6. marthster

    marthster Member

    go and get one now!
  7. Lukav

    Lukav Well-Known Member

    Or you could buy a big hard drive for it and play all the games off of the hard drive. A bit more work that just burning the games, but it'll save you spending any money. (I think)