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Should I Email this person again? and how?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragneon007, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    ok so theres this friend I haven't seen in ages and I already sent them a email and I know they read it, but they never messaged me back or even said hi? should I email them once more? I don't want to bother, but we knew each other since we we're kids and I'm not sure if they remember me? I said "Hi and I daubt you remember me, (yes I know I screwed up by saying that) but we knew each other since we we're in *blank* and I'm *blank* and it's been a long time? how are you?"

    anyway I know this person remembers me, but I wanted to make my message sound in a way that would make this person say" of course I remember you"
    but sadly I think I screwed up and maybe they don't remember me? or something?
    well, the whole point is I'm confused and I'm not sure how to go about this and email a second message and it's been a week and almost two weeks and I don't want to screw up again with my second message, but how should I go about this?

    I want to send a second email, but I don't want to make it seem annoying or stupid, and this person was my friend for a very long time, but not sure how to make a second message and I'm hoping someone here can give me a decent advice or some ideas.

    Anyway Thanks in advance.
  2. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    I think you should, because how you sended it it as if you don't see that person anymore. Even if its stupid that person wouldn't think about it that way unless it was random. There shouldn't be a problem sending them a message. Anyways GOOD LUCK if your going to send it. Talk as if you were talking to that friend in person.

  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    but what should I say thoe? I mean I know that this person read my message, but what am I suppose to say? like, hey I'm emailing you again because I wanted to say hi again? or maybe you did not get my message?(even thoe I know they got it) or just wanted to say hi incase you missed the first message?

    Like I said I don't want to sound like a idiot by sending a second message, and I waited for a bit thinking maybe there busy, but it's almost two weeks? and I'm sure I never did anything bad to this person? but if I was in person I would have already spoken to this person and they would have replied, but right now I'm not sure exactly what to say since I don't really wanna repeat my email again by saying Hi just wanted to say if you remember me or *so you don't remember me ect.

    I just don't know what to say for my second message seeing as how this person didn't reply back to the first one and it's been almost two weeks and we we're friends for a very long time? so I dunno?
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    next time get their phone number.

    I had simerlar issues, now I just said "screw this" and just let time end things.

    Another one I didn't want to loose...well his email was no longer in use despite the fact he just gave it to me, and his mobile wasn't working.

    If they have msn prehaps...try to add them but leave a message and tell them who you are, and prehaps some experiences.

    Emails suck because you might be listed as junk mail, or it's set to auto delete junk messages, my mother is listed as junk.
  5. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I can't just ask for there phone number if I haven't even spoken to them in ages, let alone a reply from this person.
    but it was a email from a social website and while digging up old photos I remembered not just one but four of my friends and used the social websites search engine and found three of my friends and they all contacted me and greeted me with HEY!, HOW ARE YOU!,I REMEMBER YOU!" except this one person and it's making me think that maybe there shy or scared? or perhaps forgotten me? which I highly daubt this person did.

    Also, i did tell them who I am, but maybe I changed to much? but like I said i daubt that because all the other ones remembered me.
    Anyway, my whole point is that I don't know how to go about with a second email message and I don't want to bring up the same message from the first one, because that would probably sound annoying or pushy.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The phone number thing I meant for next time-to ask that first before email.

    And if your using the topic line "do you remember me" fails, I get junk mail with that as the header.

    It's possible that they just forgot about you altogether, why how long is ages?

    In 6 months I've forgotten people, even though I once considered them close friends.

    But that's because I'm anti social.
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    ok? I'll ask for there phone number first next time lol
    but any advice on how I should email them the second time?
    Never mind what I said on two weeks it was actually two weeks and 2days has past since this person read my first message
    it's been 7 years since we spoken

    well that sums it up kinda, but what or how should I go about this second message to this person?
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Well try adding them on msn, with a fitting message, like I said they might have a junk mail filter and your post are being auto deleted, I know mine are.

    You can always try this header.

    "Hi I'm *** and we used to go to *** together, do you remember me at all?"

    And prehaps a pic of you and him and say which you are, if no responsce...consider the junk mail theroy.
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    The Subject of your email should not be like this:

    Hello, or I have something to say..... mostly, i think those subjects are junk mail, especially in my hotmail account.

    Try this if you are really a close friend, This is "name" and I was wondering how are you...
  10. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    If you are sure he/she knows you,
    why not attached a pics or two when you send that e-mail?
  11. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    The recipient reads your email and ignores it. Clearly they want nothing to do with you. That's the way the cookie crumbles, pal.
  12. mass09

    mass09 Active Member

    If the person ignores you, it's probably not worth pursuing.
  13. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, Ok I have taken into account to what all of you said and I will try once more since I have nothing to lose then... but I was speaking to someone last night, and they gave me some advice, but i'm not sure if it sounds pushy, but I'll let you posters decide on what you think of this.

    from someone that gave me advice:"Please reply to the final message

    I'm sorry for sending this message to you again but I was making sure you remembered me." advice given to me.

    Thats the advice this person gave me and I'm thinking it sounds pushy? should I take this persons advice? I know that it's not worth persuing this person, but one more email shouldn't hurt right? anyway, do you people think that a message like that one would be Junk mail if named
    "please reply to final message"? I think I would believe it's junk mail but this person that gave me this advice is married and told me to try that?

    Anyway, all really wanted was, just a simple "hi and how are you?" and nothing more and maybe this persons friendship like my other friends I recently found.

    However I liked what damanali said on the header I might try that "This is "name" and I was wondering how are you..." but only after hearing out what you guys think of this header
    "Please reply to the final message" (advice given to me by a married person.)

    as for pictures.. I can't seem to find any of this person except for this persons parents.. and as for me I have alot of pictures, but there all more recent ones and I don't have any old ones that where around that year since I didn't like taking pictures before.