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Should i buy a screen protector for the DS?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sevenfox, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. sevenfox

    sevenfox Member

    Should I get a screen protector for the nintendo ds? What do you guys think?
  2. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Well, this is a very personal decision, and no one but you can really tell you, but I'll give you my two cents worth to help you in deciding.

    For me the screen protector was a WAY bigger hassle than it was worth. The screen protector kept having little air bubbles no matter how hard I tried to apply it correctly, that drove me nuts. I decided that I really didn't need the screen protector that bad.

    But if you do decide you want the protector, really only the bottom screen "needs" it, because vigorous tapping of the touch screen can/will leave tiny micro scratches.

    I've had my DS Lite now for about two years with no screen protectors, just a case, and my screens are still in great condition, the micro scratches from the tapping is super hard to see. I literally have to put the DS under a bright light and tilt it in different directions to even detect/see the micro scratches. Plus most of them can be "buffed" out with a cloth and glass cleaner, seriously, this DS gets played a lot and taken everywhere with me and its still mint condition.

    So its up to you.
  3. sevenfox

    sevenfox Member

    thanks for the tips...it really helpl shape my decision alot.
  4. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    You would think a screen protector was good, but really dont bother, they tend to make the touchscreen less responsive and its VERY hard to apply.
    As long as you dont go mashing your screen like a hyper 8 year old it'll be fine, I've chewed through 4 DSs so far but none of the problems were touchscreen related (and only one was actually the fault of the DS :p)
  5. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Good for bottom screen. Mine wore out. I sent my DS for repairs, got a new screen and used a protector this time.
  6. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    i have a good bottom screen one (which applied eaisly with no air bubbles), otherwise like said it could ware out.
  7. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I got the guy who sold me the screen protector to put it on for me and it looked great. It only lasted about 6-7 months though because it was so scratched (I tend to get carried away) I couldnt see anything, but for $5 a pop its not that bad.
  8. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    thats strange the one i got doesn't get scratched somehow ??? it must be a different material
  9. orangemonster

    orangemonster Member

    I had a good and cheap screen protector that does not affect the responsiveness. I also tend to be very ah intense when playing. Even so, my screen protector only suffered a few scratches. I can't imagine what will happen if I don't have it.

    My advice? It depends on how rough you handle your DS. If you are gentle you can afford not to get one.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i put screen protector on everything.....
  11. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    everything??? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    everything which got a screen and i offen carry around.....
  13. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I played TWEWY without any screen protector, and it was a really ba idea, the screen was so scratched
    so put a screen protector its less expensive than getting repairs
  14. pat raimondo

    pat raimondo Member

    well worth the few dollars!!!the sensitivity is a bit diff, u get used to it, I guess it also depends on how hard u are w the stylus, Ive had friends play my ds and new users seem to be harder w the stylus. there cheap enuf , if u dont like take it off, that simple
  15. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    i take good care of my ds so i dont really need a screen protector, but my friend has one and said it was somewhat worth it.

    you can say it's a one-shot deal, because, if you dont put it on right, or if it has air bubbles, it's really hard to take off (personal experience, so it may differ with different people)
  16. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Actually I found I was gentler with the DS when I first got it then I am now :p
    And taking off a screen protector isn't the easiest thing to do, and cheap ones leave residue :(

    So did I, my screen is fine, all the "scratches" literally rub off using a glass cleaning cloth
  17. skumpster

    skumpster Member

    I would advise everyone to get a screen protector for the bottom screen. I had my 1st DS for less than a week & the screen was slightly scratched. On my 2nd DS (i'm using now) you wouldn't believe the amount
    of scratches the screen protector has.

    I haven't used one for the top screen and its still perfect.

    Can you really clear up the screen protector with glass cleaner?? Has ne1 tried this and *not* have it work? It seems it'd just make the protector blurry and cloudy.
  18. siouxie

    siouxie Member

    My 3 year old son has a ds with screen savers on and I clean them with baby wipes. They work a treat.
  19. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Well If you have a 7 year old mental brother with a bit ADD who used to steal your DS while you weren't home and starting banging the stylus on the screen and everything, then get a screen protecter ;)
    I swear, before I got one there was a giant circular scratch right in the middle of the bottom screen :(
    Could barely see what I was doing lol.
  20. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    erm, I wouldn't advise using "Glass cleaner" as in like... windex or something.
    I mean't the cleaning cloths used for things like glasses

    I can't see how anyone manages to scratch their screen :S no-one I know with a DS (and thats upwards of about 20 people) has managed to scratch their screens and none of us have screen protectors (one did but only because removing it actually lifted the screen itself with it, we ended up wearing out the adhesive over a week or so with a slightly moistened cloth)