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Should all drugs be legal?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 1prinnydood, May 9, 2009.

  1. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I think all drugs should be legal.

    I believe that you as an individual own your body and mind, you have the right to do what you want to that body and mind.

    I think that those who advocate drug laws misunderstand that the vast majority of drug users are simply drug users and not drug abusers.

    It is true that some people get messed up by drugs, I say most people don't.

    Would you rather walk into a room full of drunks or a room full of stoners?

    I have taken any drug you care to name(including crack and smack), I have never broken the law beyond my illegal drug use, should I be treated as a problem?

    So who owns you? Your government or you?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, most drugs are harmful.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    To who? and are any of the illegal drugs more harmful than alchohol or tobacco?
  4. drugs should be legal, some are harmful because you overuse it, you get so addicted you get overdosed and you eventually die, thats why its harmfull*. like marijuana ive heard its like an anti-pain drug for cancer patients.
  5. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    All drugs should be legal. The government isn't our mommies. I'm thinking marijuana will be legal within the next 5-10 years.
    [me=koniferus]crosses fingers. :p[/me]
  6. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I would rather that this debate did not get focused on one drug like cannabis, I doubt that most reasonable people would object to the legalisation of it.

    I would rather focus on the idea that all drugs should be legal. As I think that only you can own your body and mind, and only you have the right to judge what goes into your body.

    Edit: I am sure most of you are aware that the 'war on drugs' has been not only a failure but drug use worldwide has gone up. More people per capita drunk more during prohibition in america that before or after.
  7. i agree that all drugs must be legal
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    to the person taking them, and the people who then have to deal with the aftermath. And yes, a lot of them are more dangerous than alcohol.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'm all for doing drugs but i don't think they should be made legal (apart from the obvious)

    the problem is most people are stupid, take for instance your teens down the local park getting drunk, if they could easily take crack what do you think will happen?

    most drug users (not abusers) know what there are doing, know what they are taking, has made precautions, don't get addicted and just have fun but that's because they have thought about it before taking the risk but removing the issues with legality opens it up to any idiot that wants to have a go and the "how illegal it is" tends to represent the danger of it.

    and many of the hard drugs are bad for you and can fuck with your mind, I've seen and know a few that have lost their mind to psychotropic drugs
    and hear complaints of acid flashbacks.

    so i'm all for people doing them but i don't agree that they should be made legal, there are just too many idiots out there
  10. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    The aftermath of the majority of drug users is nil. I do not deny that some abusers get messed up and screw up everything in their lives. I ask so what? So what if some dickhead on crack kills a person, I suspect you know as well as I do that such a person cannot blame it on the drugs. Some people prey on others, this is their way, is it the drugs way?
  11. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    If your teens in the park swiched from drink to crack then, assuming they are ok to begin with, they would still be ok. If they are a bunch of shits then, they will still be like that.

    Am I the only person in the world that thinks blaming you behaviour on any drug is a load of crap?

    Edit: Sorry for double post
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no i agree with you that your behavior is not controlled by a drug and that a persons actions are their own,
    i'm getting at the point that drugs are dangerous to those that don't know what they are doing with them.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that depends on the drug. Weed may be harmless, but most drugs are not.
  14. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Cocaine is harmless if taken in moderation, Heroin is harmless unless you overdose. E's are harmless. Acid is harmless. GHB is harmless. 5Moa DTP is harmless, Mda is harmless.

    You say most drugs are harmful, I agree as many people are on legal drugs but please don't muddy the issue as the majority of illegal drugs would do you allot less harm than the legal ones.
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no i disagree again its harmless if you know what your doing but if you don't its very harmful or if taken for extended periods of time.
  16. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    People who think that because something harms the user, it should be illegal. WTF?! Why do people feel the need to not only help themselves, but others as well? I smoke cigarettes and let me tell you this, if you want a good bitching, tell me I shouldn't smoke when I light one up. I'm so sick of hearing, "you know that's bad for you, right?" No asshole I don't know anything at all, and by the way what the hell is this thing I'm smoking?

    To me the kind of people who think their business is your business are a little off in the head. Brainwashed either by society or their parents. Telling someone what they are aloud to do to themselves is the same as telling someone what religion to follow just because you do and feel like its the only way to be.

    Chances are a drug using atheist like my self will live a much happier and more fulfilling life than an alcoholic, preaching, religious, republican, law-obeying bastard or a fat ass soccer mom. This subject pisses me off.
  17. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    What are the three last ones "real" name?

    anyway, I don't think drugs should be legal, cause if so, vendors would be able to sell them publicly,kids could see them, and you know how kids are easily influenced! and they can't moderate, so they want more, and they ed up dying, with no more kids on Earth, the population on Earth starts falling, and there's your end of the world

    so don't legalize drugs :p

    PS: but just for koniferus let's legalize ecstasy so we would some even more crazier RAVES!!!!!
  18. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    That would make me happier than the end to organized religion! :)
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I see a stand off with drugs being legalised...

    Like what I said with normal tobbacco smoking, make it legal, people use it in moderation, make it illegal, people go out of thier normal legal way to obtain the drugs they seek...

    But the thing is, with drugs, some like extacy are made with god know what, battery acid, urine (I jsut heard these ones) and who knows what?

    If someone with a weak will get's forced (mates egging him on, drink spiking) they would become an addict and abuse the substance, RIGHT?

    I have a very weak will, and thus drinking and smoking are out of my equasion (I'm a video game addict, I actuall have damaged eye sight, all because I had nothing to do, no kids to play with...but that's for another time) and let me tell you, if I like something just a little I would go NUTZ!

    I never drink slowly like other's do ethier, I drink cans in seconds, if that was beer I think I'd be out in moments...

    Imagine someone who just turned legal age and tried this crap?

    And does anyone have any idea how many KIDS take this stuff, legalised or otherwise (some ask parents, WTF, some ask older friends who have access, thus cig smokers can be almost any age) so legalising any drug can be dangerous!

    Sure not everyone would go crazy and abuse, but stuff like canibiss isnt good for your mind, full stop, if canibiss is legalised then I hope it's for medical purposes ie someone in absolute pain...

    But think of all today's generation, soo many go out clubbing, get drunk, and shrug it off like it's normal because EVERYONE AROUND THEM DOES IT!
    ...or because they simple don't care as long as they get drunk...or high with extacy...

    I knew a mate who tried it, he loved it, but the second it stopped working , no chance...

    He took it because him and his gf were having a hard time relaxing at a party...if it weren't for her cheating on him he might have taken it more to get used to it...

    Look sorry to mention personal crap, but....

    "DRUG'S ARE BAD, Mmm-K!"
  20. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Wow, it doesn't happen often that somebody posts what I had to say before I did. Saves me on typing.

    You shouldn't make hard drugs legal, as the majority of the population isn't capable of handling this. That stuff can really mess you up, not only physically but also socially.

    Also, I'm from Holland, and as most of you already know it's legal here to smoke (or to buy it, or to have it in small quantities, not sure which one is the legal one). It's not that everybody gets addicted if it is legal.

    The difference with alcohol is that if you walk into a room of drunk people, or walk into a room of stoned people, you are more likely to become stoned than drunk by just being there. Smoke fills a room, alcohol doesn't.