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Should adultery be considered a crime?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by rock91, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Should adultery be considered a crime?

    Please be serious on this matter. Please elaborate you answers and don't just say ''Yeah sure'' or ''Nah''. Stop being lazy and post something consistent for a change
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    No. The judicial system has better things to do than throw people in jail over their lack of faith towards their significant others. It's a matter that should be settled between the people in question and the police should only be involved if violence is involved in the situation.
  3. runtheplacered

    runtheplacered New Member

    Obviously not. What are we going to do? Throw people in jail for being swingers?

    Why should anyone care if your relationship is terrible or not? That's nobody's business but your own.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    in the chinese there is a saying "its hard to solve the problem of other people family matter even for the most righteous judge"

    relation problem isnt for police to deal with.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Basically, what two consenting adults decide to do in their own time is entirely up to them.

    Risposte: Is there any reason why it should be considered a crime? I'm sure there'll be some ignoramus whom I can school on this. Come on, I know you're out there somewhere. Just give me a reason to kick some ass.
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i agree
  7. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Religion should have no place in law. So, no.
  8. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    the judicial huh... they like these kind of crimes anyway...

    i see your point there. those who cannot resist should submit to polygamy rather than committing this crime lol. seriously, it may be a crime in some religions but honestly adultery is one of the main cause of separated families and has been grounds for divorce. children of divorce will continue to grow in rate, and considering the consequences, it may result into pregnancy and that cover termination of a pregnancy and of child support. the police could care less but adultery can also trigger extreme violence from both parties. i'm not sure if the law will consider this as a solution, as to putting adultery into a crime. still depends to the legislators but adultery has already been considered as a crime in this country under the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines.
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Adultery is a crime in many states in the US. The same with Sodomy, Fornication, etc.
    There are many laws on the books which are completely stupid and completely ignored.

    It seems that rarely is anyone ever punished for these types of crimes alone, and they are usually only tacked on to other more serious crimes to try and increase the punishment of the guilty party.
  10. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I think that it would be ridiculous to make it a crime; as soon as making your own life-decisions becomes a crime, the basis of our human rights laws become fractured. Not all moral wrongs should be considered crimes (assuming that the action of choosing to have a relationship of a sexual and/or romantic nature with another human being irregardless of still being engaged in a previous one would be immoral).
    Even though there are some general templates to adultary (somebody whom has been with their partner a long time becomes bored and looks elsewhere for a buzz et cetera);each case is unique and isn't inherently deeply immoral like a lot of crimes are (rape, murder and such).

    Anyhow, I can't see how a law against cheating on your partner would be enforced; what would be considered cheating?, would two people have to be married and of the opposite sex for cheating to be considered adultery? would the state of the relationship of a couple be taken into account or would any infedelity irregardless of the circumstances be adultery?
    Also, what would the penalties be? Here in the west, most prisons in most countries are overpopulated as it is; sending people to prison for cheating would send the justice system even further down the s**ter. If fines would be used would they be at a set sum or would the state of the relationship and the emotional damage to the other person be factors?

    The strange situations that this would put people in should it be made illegal are pretty complicated: what would hapen if a man cheated on his wife with a woman he then immpregnated? Would a jury really imprison the man and prevent him (should he wish to) be with the mother of his child? Would any money he was fined go to his wife or the mother for the sake of the child?
    What if a woman was in an abusive marriage and left her husband for someone else without divorcing first, could she be penalised?

    I don't think that such a lawould be right or practical.
    rock91, you haven't stated how you feel...
  11. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    Secretly, he doesn't.
  12. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    lol. Nah I'm just the topic starter. I am too lazy to amaze you with my incredibly smart words
  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member


    What kind of punishment should people get if its a crime?
    prison is too much, would lose home, job etc
    a fine is just going to effect the full family again
    I think the guilty party should have to pay all divorce fees if thats what is wanted and the other person should get first option on custody of any children.
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    When you get married you are entering into a "verbal contract".The priest says something like "do you promise to remain faithful etc" and each party says "I do".So when one is not,the injured party should get financial renumeration.

    I had a mate that saved every penny for 3 years to get married.One year into it,he went home one lunch time and his wife was getting banged in his bed.
  15. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Less and less people, or males, want marriage, because in any situation the women profits from it.
  16. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I don't think that the person whom was cheated on should get automatic custody of the children; just because someone has a problem being faithful doesn't make them a bad parent. The kids shouldn't be used as tools for vengeance by the person whom was betrayed.
  17. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    Come on, of course not. Thats how they do things in Iraq. People are killed for that there. That's a crime to religious fanatics, but reasonable people know that there is no sense in making extra blowjobs a crime. Give me a break.
  18. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    No, because what people do with their bodies is not something the government should control.

    Who and where you have sex with should be free as long as there are a few conditions aren't met.

    Is the person under 16?
    Is the person mentally retarded?
    Is the person obese?

    If these conditions are false then people should be able to fully enjoy sexual activity in the streets. We live in cultures that degrade the human body by 'sanctifying' virginity.

    Stop worrying about society and god and enjoy your fucking life ::)
  19. anonthegreat

    anonthegreat Member

    adulterers should be stoned
  20. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Is this joke cause i don't even