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Discussion in 'Sports' started by lampslammer, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    I thought Machida was going to win this one with a KO, but he didn't just not knock Shogun out. He lost.

    Shogun was the aggressor (all 5 rounds). Shogun landed more punches. Shogun took less damage. That was one of the worst calls in sports I've seen in a long time.

    If you watch the decision Machida doesn't even think he won. He is asked a yes or no question by Joe Rogan. "Do you feel you won the fight?" and he responded with( i'm paraphrasing now) "Those three guys thought so." (referring to the judges.) he never told Joe he thinks he won.

    It's not Machida's fault the judges made a **cked up decision. I have nothing against Machida, but Shogun proved he is the man to beat yesterday. Thats Shogun's Belt he's wearing.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I'm guessing this is boxing?
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i think its UFC
  4. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    lampslammer, I think this pretty much proves UFC is a piece of shit organization that wants to keep some sort of undefeated guy in their roster so they can attract a bigger and bigger crowd to their fights. Pretty much is a greedy company that most veteran fighters are now leaving
  5. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    agreed. dana white runs a sh**ty fight org. Love fighting, but hate the UFC. It's quickly becoming the WWF, they have a ***king reality show. Most of the UFC fans suck as well. They always boo the fights if there is'nt enough action.

    I only care so much this time because Shogun was one of my favorite Pride fighters. A real fight organization the UFC absorbed. Pride kicked ass. The rules weren't as strict, and weight didn't matter. You could see someone 5'11 180 take down a guy that's 300 lbs. It was based in Japan so the fans kicked ass too. The fights were full of respect. They weren't booed, and fighters didn't run to the locker room cause they lost the fight.

    and lets not forget the tens of thousands of dollars he was robbed of. The winner's purse is bigger. That's his belt and money. Way to go UFC
  6. fdgsaoralex

    fdgsaoralex Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry LK, you may be awsome, but UFC is more awsome.

    I agree, Shogun deserved to win, but did he really do enough to win the belt? In my opinion that's what it comes down to, he may have just scraped the fight, but it didn't really seem worthy enough to hand down a belt over it.

    Hopefully there'll be a rematch, I'd like to see them fight again and see shogun do enough to clearly win the fight.

    Firstly, all mma crowds boo fights, not just UFC... you obviously don't watch much mma apart from UFC.

    Pride was alot more dangerous of a fight organisation, the rules in UFC are to keep fighters safe, people broke bones and shit all the time in pride... that's just raw. And open weight isn't a good thing, it makes some of the fights completely unfair... an amazing 180lb guy might beat a shitty 300lb guy... but that's a one off, otherwise the 180lb would get absolutely slaughtered.

    And about the money... you really think tens of thousands of dollars are a big deal when they each get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight?

    Personally, I like the UFC. It may be the cheesiest mma organisation, but that's what comes with money. At the moment they have almost all the best mma fighters (apart from fedor) and the pride buy-out really helped them out. And the Ultimate Fighter reality show is good, only for the fights though... it gives up and coming guys a chance to really prove themselves and become a part of the largest mma organisation in the world. I don't see what your problem is.
  7. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    "Firstly, all mma crowds boo fights, not just UFC... you obviously don't watch much mma apart from UFC.

    Pride was alot more dangerous of a fight organisation, the rules in UFC are to keep fighters safe, people broke bones and shit all the time in pride... that's just raw. And open weight isn't a good thing, it makes some of the fights completely unfair... an amazing 180lb guy might beat a shitty 300lb guy... but that's a one off, otherwise the 180lb would get absolutely slaughtered.

    And about the money... you really think tens of thousands of dollars are a big deal when they each get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight?

    Personally, I like the UFC. It may be the cheesiest mma organisation, but that's what comes with money. At the moment they have almost all the best mma fighters (apart from fedor) and the pride buy-out really helped them out. And the Ultimate Fighter reality show is good, only for the fights though... it gives up and coming guys a chance to really prove themselves and become a part of the largest mma organisation in the world. I don't see what your problem is.

    Every fight organization has injuries, bones get broken in the ufc as well. Thats not the point. and sorry i dont know the ufc payroll, but i do know the winner gets more. Shogun was the winner, he was robbed. "

    Open weight is great. Your tellin me you would rather confine fighters to their weight, than seeing the best fight for the title? I would love to see Lesnar fight Anderson Silva. That would happen Pride. We will never see that fight in the UFC.

    and my problem??? Shogun was robbed. Is'nt that why you entered the thread? To see how Shogun was robbed?
    and i didn't say anything about the UFC until littlekid made his point. I was just responding to littlekids post. So don't show up and First of all....... me and assume i don't know what i'm talking about. . You could have argued those points without Firstly, and asking me what my problem is. don't be such a chode about it.
  8. invdrcats

    invdrcats Member

    poor cro cop....that had to be set up
  9. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    in my opinion there are 2 sides to this ...

    first off in my honest opinion .. as i was watching the fight it definitely seemed like shogun was in control, he was very aggressive, and it almost seemed like lyoto wasn't even acting like himself .. everyone in attendance with me watching all started to shake their heads and suggest that maybe this fight had possibly been fixed for shogun to win.. but then they call 48/47 or whatever.. lyoto? there has got to be some fixing going on..but meh

    when you really go back and look at the fight, yes shogun did have overall control of the first 2 rounds

    but lyoto did have overall control of the octagon during the entire fight, which apparantly gave him the edge, "says the judges"

    I myself would have definitely liked to see the dragon fight like the dragon.. which he clearly did not for some reason.. and i would have been fine with shogun actually winning as well, they are both crazy talented fighters

    this fight was just a dissapointment though

    the Cain/Rothwell fight was sick though.. as was joe daddy's fight and baders

    sick night all the same