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Shin Megami Tensei: DS ~ Error When Saving?!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ShuriiX, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    Whenever i go to save the game, after the cemetary battle, i get an error and my game closes.

    This is REALLY irritating because as you know you have to pass through 2 zillion speach bubbles to get to that point, and i have tried it twice with this ROM, and once with another ROM, and all 3 times it closed and i have yet to save my game. :(

    Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Because this game is really awesome and i want to play it but it will not let me save :(

    Help please! :(

  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Which game? Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, or Devil survivor? I'm guessing Devil Survivor, i remember a graveyard battle at the begining of the game i think.

    Also what is the error you get

    what flashcard and such?

    if emulator, which emulator
  3. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    Devil Surviver, i guess putting DS In the title would confuse people ;D

    I don't remember the error message very well, because i can't be bothered going back to that point and trying to save it.

    but pretty much it tells me to re-insert the DS card and try again, however, when i reset the emulator it loses my progress :-\

    The emulator i use is No$gba w_2.5c
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Ah sorry, i just got the DS = Devil Survivor thing when you pointed it out, i feel like an idiot lol. Have you tried saving before the battle to see if you get the error? Can't you save on the world map thing before going into the graveyard?
  5. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    That wasn't sarcasm, either :p because it's a DS game and such that's how it could confuse people :D i didn't know you could save the game until it asks you if you want to save, i'll try that now :)
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    It's cool :)

    i googled and people on other forums suggested you set the save type to Eeprom - 64 kbit (8KByte)
  7. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    Sounds like a good idea, but i have no idea where the save settings are :D

    i just went through all of the emulation options and i couldn't find it :(
  8. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Just downloaded it to check, it's under "NDS Catridge Backup Media"
  9. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    Yeah, i found it just after posting that comment :D

    i just got the dropdown list and it was the only option that had eeprom :D
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Awesome :D

    remember to restart the emulator after selecting the save type. Hopefully it works and saves your game fine :D
  11. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    okay, ill see if it works.. 2 ZILLION text bubbles later ;D
  12. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the game has quite a bit of text, standard fair for rpg's xD
  13. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    yeah, i didn't mind it the first time...

    but right now im on my 4th runthrough of it, and it REALLY starts to get old after a while :eek:
    Post Merge: [time]1262221619[/time]

    <3 i can save my game :)
  14. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Yeah seeing the same text, over and over again gets old lol

    Awesome congrats :)

    have fun with the game.
  15. ShuriiX

    ShuriiX Member

    I will, thanks for your help :)
  16. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    No problem, i'm glad everything worked out and you can save the game fine :)
  17. snakeeater1111

    snakeeater1111 New Member

    whenever i try to save the it says that the save failed and when i try to reload the save it says it's corrupted.
  18. sjabens

    sjabens New Member

    hey well i got an R4 and don't want to play it on the computer but on r4 so can anyone help me with the save file problem like a patch or someting (i am not ferry good with programming so please send me an link of somehing :)
  19. highknight

    highknight New Member

    To: snakeeater1111 and sjabens

    The problem you are having is the same I am having. The only problem is that this is the wrong thread for it. This was for a problem saving in noGBA with SMT Devils Survivor. The game with the save fail and save corrupted problem is the second game, SMT Strange Journey. There are other threads with people trying to fix the problem. Hope I helped.
  20. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    I saw you used No$Gba 2.5, use No$Gba 2.6a with Firmware.bin, that fixes it.