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Shin Megami Tensei Devils Survivor Abominable Snowman(Wendigo)

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by michaeltoe, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. michaeltoe

    michaeltoe Member

    I can't beat the Abominable Snowman...He just murders me and his little minions always catch up and gang-bang my team! I tried to triple team him and it was a failure. I tried running, but he can move lots and his minions catch up to me eventually. My guys are only level 8-9... Could you suggest some tips?
  2. Kaichi

    Kaichi Well-Known Member

    Try binding him, then have one team(preferably the one who's gonna be cracking one of his skills)bash on him, while your other two teams take out the corner demons. Remember to pay close attention to the elemental advantage, it can save your hide in several situations.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Kaichi's advice is good, also take some time with the free battle you have in the game, level up a bit and think about how you are goint to take on Wendigo, use fire on him and have a team with devil speed and fire when he tires to run to the healers, or take out the healer group first. There are lots of way to win and fail in this game. If you are totaly stuck fall back on those free battles in order to level up your gang.
  4. Kaichi

    Kaichi Well-Known Member

    :( I wanted him to figure out the elemental playing field himself, but ok.
  5. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Why? do you have some sort of demon pact that says you cannot state the obvious? When people ask for help it is very cool to give it.
  6. Kaichi

    Kaichi Well-Known Member

    It's also much more satisfying to give them small hints bit by bit, and watch them eventually figure it out themselves. However, this isn't the place to be talking about this. If you want to continue, feel free to PM.
  7. michaeltoe

    michaeltoe Member

    I always thought that if the element said "strong", I thought that the element I use on it would be most effective, and I knew about the elemental playing field. I'm still getting killed on Wendigo. He just doesn't seem to use his Bind skill... How am I supposed to force him to do that?
  8. Kaichi

    Kaichi Well-Known Member

    Nono, bind is a racial skill for Orcs. When the action menu comes up, go select your orc demon and select bind. Cast it on Wendigo. Also, "Strong" means the Demon has a high resistance to that element, "Weak" means they are weak against it, etc.
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Make use of the free-battle.
    and Level up a bit.

    I'm already on day 2 and the average level of my party is 22-23...(hero,yuzu and atsuro)
    Kikuri-Hime and Wendigo is a good demon.
  10. jouway

    jouway New Member

    wow you are fast i am lust lvl 15 at day 2
  11. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Make use of the free battle...
  12. I'm about level 28 on Day 2, I beat the wendigo with just the hero. I went to the right, avoiding the wendigo, and fought all the other enemies first, and eventually the Wendigo hurt himself a fair bit by binding my guys lol I walked in and swept him with the Hero. Good tip, use Ogre against him. It gets pretty high attack.
  13. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    You can get better demon than Ogre through fusion.
  14. That's true, but for a low level, an ogre can have about 14-15 str, Against wendigo it'll hit maybe 40-60 depending.
  15. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try to get Unique Fusion when your hero at Level 21+.
  16. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    The secret to defeating bosses is ganging up on them.
  17. josh_is_a_boi

    josh_is_a_boi Member

    yer dude fee battle the shit out of it. what i do is fee battle like 10 time then beat the missions but then i have to do more free battles cos i get owned again :( this games is way hard but sooo much fun
  18. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

    I had more problems fighting Beldr. Took me a while to kill him. I had no problem killing Wendigo.
  19. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Go here. https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=18679.0
    Maybe some of the members have post the answer.
  20. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

    I already killed him. Now my problem is that why my game freezes on the 4th day.