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Sexual Discrimination

Discussion in 'Debates' started by rayds, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. rayds

    rayds Member

    Today I went to my ex-school to promote my club, S.A.C.R.E.D (Saint Angela Community of Refulgent English Debaters{what do you guys think about the name?}) with my fellow club mate to the new students.
    We are the last club to do promotion. Before us, there are many extracurricular activities club.
    I was kinda shocked when the teacher who is responsible with extracurricular activities, said that futsal is only for boys when it is the futsal club's turn.
    In case you don't know, futsal is an indoor football.
    I believe there is a football league for women right?
    Is this considered to a sexual discrimination?
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Wait,let me ask you first.
    Are you a female?

    And there's a football league for women.It's a World Cup.
  3. rayds

    rayds Member

    Nope, I am a male.
    You said there is a world cup for female.
    What do you think about futsal in me ex-school allowed men only?
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    At my collage,there's a futsal league that was held every semester.
    Both men and women can participate.

    Maybe there's a DISCRIMINATION going on in your ex-school.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    There were probably not enough girls to make their own team for a women's league.
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    like already said they may not have a female team and most leage sports school or otherwise don't mix sexes because males are more aggressive so not nice for female and/or the athletic ability of the different sexes.

    not to say they can't but its like any sport it's never mixed it's either males or females so it's fair
  7. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    is this like soccer??

    anyways i think a girl should be able to play any sport she likes. so what if she's the only girl on the team?? as long as she plays good i don't see a problem...
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This reminds me of aussie rules and girls wanting to play...

    In australia, latly, girls have been wanting to play it-not just in thier own league-but with guys (not that they televise it-only minoir leagues may have 1 or 2 girls playing, pout of the whole league, in the whole country...)

    Years ago, the auskick program (to help kids develop thier skills) would dis-continue with girls once they reach a certain age-when thier training becomes "rough", which lead to change...

    But the only time you may see girls playing our national sport is when it's just friends playing together, no league events that I know, and I only heard one case in VFL (a state league-not national) had 2 girls-in the entirety of it all...

    ...and even with the girls playing with mates, usually butch/big enough to crush men (believe me) and very rare to see a full on girl...

    Off they go to netball-which has even lower ratings...

    After reading your post, prehaps they are doing "old school" rules-rough sports-girls not allowed...

    Prehaps you could start something and rally the girls into it-with enough girls they can't say no-and I don't mean enough just for a team...
  9. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    You have to admit, though, soccer/football is generally considered a men's sport. I don't see anything wrong with women playing though. There's the Women's World Cup, I believe?

    Anyways, that's a pretty decent name for a debate club :p . Mine's Padmanaba English Debating Society (PEDES).
  10. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    women play soccer but its just not noticed like the men's idk why
    seeing hot girls running around all sweaty and kicking a ball around could be somewhat entertaining :p
  11. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Not a very appealing idea.
  12. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I'm not exactly educated on the details, but in the US at least, Title IX hands sports and sexual discrimination.

    Technically speaking our Football team wasn't men only, but no women ever signed up. One came close my varsity year, but her mother convinced her not to join.

    Having two separate leagues for boys and girls is not discrimination. And I'm pretty sure that these rules only apply to public schools, so any private schools would likely be exempt (but due to pressures from the community may still follow them to appease the people paying the tuition). Also, not having a certain sport for an opposite sex is not discrimination on it's own, the Title IX laws allow for "substitutions" (for lack of a better word on my half). Where there may not be a female football team or baseball team, there might be a female gymnastics team or softball team. I'm pretty sure that this is legal under Title IX.
  13. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    There is no reason why men and women cannot play contact sport together, it may be true that the majority of women would be destroyed in a contact sport against men, but it cannot be said that some women are more than capable of taking on the big guys. I suspect that the greatest bar to women in entering male dominated sports is the lack of interest/support given by men and not any lack of talent or toughness. A prime example is women boxers, who(when allowed) are perfectly capable boxing weight for weight with a man.
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I personally would have felt very odd if I had to play against a female in football. Our coach taught us to get low, under their pads, lift, push.

    Guess what's sitting under a woman's pads? Her breasts. If I were to handle a woman the same way I had to handle the guys, I would be groping her the whole game. Now... it may have been enjoyable for me, in a way, but it would have been very awkward considering the woman is a complete stranger and it goes against all social norms to handle a woman in that manner. It's just not something that would be comfortable for either party.

    I do know women who played on their highschool football teams. The first one I met my freshman year of college. But this woman, I did not realize she was a woman for the first week I knew her. She had a name that was either man or woman, she was an overweight person, so her breasts could have easily been man boobs. She had short cut hair. She was in a wheelchair when I first met her because she broke her leg playing football. She wasn't very feminine at all.
  15. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    well i dont think you'd have to play against the women
  16. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I would in these examples. The women joined the high school football team. Meaning they'd play with you (or against you if they were on the opposing team).
  17. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    whoa!, well i wouldnt like that....... i wouldnt want to hit... a woman... not even in sports..... just not right
  18. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    There was a girl on our wrestling teams too. Nothing like rolling around and groping girls on the wrestling mat.

    But she could kick anyone's ass out there... top of her weight class. (She wasn't fat, and was very attractive as well).
  19. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    ohh, well i'd say that is different, but playing football..... thats too outrageous
  20. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Do you think you or her would have an erotic moment from such contact during a game?
    I doubt any female would have any problems with such contact given the sport. I doubt that those who wish to play such sports with the guys are under any illusions of what they are getting into.