It seems is down (the primary provider for PS2 games) Any ETA of when this server will be functioning again?
it's functioning just fine and has been for the last 3 days at least. We're in the process of transferring roms off of it onto our new server. Seph may have locked out downloading from it for the moment because its running out of bandwidth and I need what's left to get the roms transferred to the new box.
Any ETA of when you will have the to transfer done? I assume it's lengthy strictly because of the large file quantity. I'm merely wondering because I just my premium two weeks ago and I don't want it to go to waste =/
hopefully it will be done by the end of tomorrow. the new box is unlimited yes, but our site's popularity is nothing to what it used to be.
If you had a download going on please update it to and it should resume just fine.