I was wondering of in no$zoomer for the rom (XG Blast) if I could change the controller settings AND save them just for that particular rom only? Hopefully, not mess up my settings for my other roms.The control in the gm throws me off a little..like I want to make the Y button (XBOX 360 wired controller) to be the UP direction..A button to be down..etc; If this can be done please let me know. Thanks. HoustonTX224
I'm afraid it can't be done, no$zoomer can only save specific settings for each games, which not include the controls configuration, since it is separated from no$zoomer and can only be configured on no$gba. Unless you're using keyboard, then you can have different controls settings using the slots. Still, you can just make another copy of your emulator, configure the button for the game you wanted to play and play it.