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Seeking a good tablet brand/needs opinions on one model

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Duncan Idaho, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    so having finally decided not to buy an ipad i started researching tablets, off hand all i can try to buy are lenovo, siragorn or Summivsion brand, in particular the last one i found it cheap, very very cheap, 3/4 of the price i would need for the lenovo one, however internet reviews are sadly scarce and the only pro review i was able to find dint touch if it had flash player or not (seem it's default browser is just a dumbed down Google Chrome) so any one has ever heard of used of said brand (summivison Titan Tablet)

    Also on the lenovo end the idea pad 2107 how good it is?

    Before you suggest me a nexus or a samsung those are very far from my range price.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    lenovo at least have brand recognition. Think very carefully about whether you actually need a tablet, they're mostly a fad that will pass. They have a very limited number of practical uses.
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I do need one, i am carrying to college 10Kg of material on my back (sentences, excrepts from 60+ books, etc.) for use in class, all that is giving me a serious back pain, and no i cannot stop carrying those since we review in class several parts of said sentences.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    would a notebook/netbook not be a better choice? the most major flaw with most tablets is an inability to multitask
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    not really, in this case the tablet is perfect since i can upload the corresponding document as a .pdf file, having a notebook on the central college is really a bad idea bad idea, a tablet can be hidden with ease, and it's ligth, the laptop i own is a bit heavy and big, perfect for the home, not so much for carrying it to college.
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Your opinion is wrong. I use a tablet at university, in transit, during work and for day-to-day reference, and so do plenty of other people. You've only got to spend some time outside with actual people doing IT-related work that doesn't involve sitting in front of a screen for eight hours a day to understand how important these devices are. But sometimes these things pass by the people in the peanut galleries.

    Depends on the OS as to what tablet you want. I use a 7" Nexus 7 from Google with Android 4.2, which is nice and portable but sometimes I feel the screen is a tad small. You'll find that the big choices will be screen size (mini tablets which tend to be around 7", and full-sized 10.1" gear) and OS preference.

    If you're fine with Apple gear - and there isn't anything inherently wrong with Apple's stuff - grab an iPad. If you want to save some money or prefer Android, Asus and Samsung both do really nice tablets of varying sizes. I can't speak with experience for the efficiency of Windows 8 for tablets (I've heard some good things about it from a couple of guys who work in the industry) but iirc Asus did a really nice tablet with a snap-on keyboard and it's fairly seamless switching between the tablet and laptop modes - something you won't really get with the other two operating systems.

    EDIT: Out of your options though, I'd side with loony on the Lenovo thing. I'd rather trust a reputable brand than one I've never heard of. Check pricing on the Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire though. You might be surprised.
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    ipad is one the price range of some 20.000 bolívares fuertes, way beyond what i cant afford, nexus tablets are on 25 to 35.000 bolívares fuertes, once again, not what i can afford, the kindle fire is on 10.000 bolívares i cant afford it either.

    The lenovo *was* on 4.000 bolívares fuertes i said *was* due to two factors, the first coin was devaluated and second chávez dead, th second event is just the oportunity for sellers to ramp up again the prices "as they do not known the status of the country" the titan tablet was on 2.500 bolívares
  8. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    If you are seeking a good tablet brand then you must be willing to shell out the money. This is a big investment. I suggest you go for the best despite price. You may have to find a way or save up but you are after quality
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    This, for the most part. I have an Asus Transformer, which like Suis said, has a snap-on keyboard dock. Since you're a student, you've got two options in terms of carrying around files: On the tablet, and Cloud Storage.

    If you're storing your PDF documents and other school stuff on your tablet itself, you should get an Android tablet for easy file-transfer. I'd recommend the Asus Transformer Infinity with the Keyboard Dock. If you don't need the dock, you can get the Google Nexus 10. Both these tablets are high-end, Android tablets with good file-management. I'd say the Transformer is slightly better since there are slots for microSD expansions and even full on USB 2.0 slots for flashdrives or even external HDDs.

    If you're storing your stuff on a cloud, like Google Drive or Dropbox, you probably should get an iPad just because it's super sleek and very quick to operate. iPads are amazing tablets if you're a casual user, i.e you just use it for videos, some games, books, reading documents, etc. If you're wanting to do proper document editing, you'll probably want to get an Android tablet.
  10. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    it's not a money issue i can go up to 8.000 in my range, so nexus,ipad, and other brands are out of the question, for the simple reason that those are too pricy, and are too expensive compared to their actualy price (500$ at an exhange rate of 6,30=3000 bolívares give or take, seller take that and add a 10x multiplier)

    Nexus is 32.000 Bolívares, i do not have that much money, i would need to save for two years and not expend a single cent in my law books to reach that number, the transformer is on 13.000, hence why i said that my options are few.

    http://shop.lenovo.com/esind/es/es/learn/products/tablets/ideatab/a-series/a2107/ >lenovo

    http://www.reevoo.com/p/sumvision-titan-9 >titan

    I am pretty much narrowing it down to those two, seeking other brands the price skyrockets
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Honestly, looking at the specs of both, the Titan looks to be more powerful, but I doubt there'll be any form of software support, since it's such an obscure brand.
  12. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    and has a bigger, screen,let me tweet mundo pc to see if they have other brands
  13. I-Fatman

    I-Fatman Well-Known Member

    I'm very happy with my Samsung galaxy tab 2, I would give note 2 10.1 a chance if I didn't get the smaller "phone" model wich is 5.5. And I only think greatness of it, absolutely love it.
  14. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    except anything called samsung here is for the high class >_> given once they trumped over apple iphone the cell phone and all it's other related brands price skyockected and became accesible only and only to the high class, so either is the lenovo ideapad or the titan one, and i am thiking the lenovo one, given that it would seem the titan has dropped flash player from it's OS.
  15. I-Fatman

    I-Fatman Well-Known Member

    I know you wrote that is beyond your price range but I was able to afford my tab 2 when I didn't have a job. I don't really know the price difference between Samsung, lenovo and titan though.
  16. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    titan= 2.000 bolívares (via unofficial dollar, it's dollar price should be around the 100$)

    Lenovo 5.400 bolívares (dollar pirce should be some 270$)

    Samsung galaxy tab/nexus 12 15.000 for the galaxy and nexus was on 35.000 bolívares.

    Usually each dollar would cost us 6,30 bolívares but since there are a bunch of people who dont want to get the yearly 400$ they chose to start a black market, the current price of said market and that sellers use is of 20 bolívares per dollar.
  17. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    Can't you ask your parents or a friend with a credit card to pay for it or have in installment then just pay them monthly? I really think you should get a tablet brand that is reliable as opposed to getting a okay reliable brand because of price.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    seph swears by lenovo laptops and has since they were IBM. Don't think he's ever tried their tablets though
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Can't say anything about their tablets, and my reason for using their laptop doesn't really transfer to tablets.
  20. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    which is why i am getting a lenovo one, reviews i've checked on the internet paint it as a good brand and a good tablet, they even have a representative in my country, and lmao, no one accepts monthly pays, you need to bring cash upfront in full, due that monthly pays can easly escalte to a trial here and monthly pays mean you are chained and you can be fucked with a balloon quote if the lawyers are in cahoots with the seller.