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Secret Files Tunguska

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by maggiemaymay, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    Nina is on the roof of the train and she attached the hose to the two pipes. The window opens and I can't get inside the window. There is no icon to get in. Just the hand and the eye.
  2. jldcat

    jldcat Well-Known Member

    I believe, if I remember correctly, you have to put the dog hair in the right side tube so that it burns and stinks out the people in the cabin you want to get into. Hope that helps.
  3. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    I put the hair in the right side pipe, attach the hose to both pipes, the window opens, the man inside leaves the room, and I only get the hand and the eye. I don't get the entry icon.

    Edited : Figured it out, my walkthrough was missing this part.
    I had to use the dog leash and pipe and attach it to the two pipes on top of train. Now I see my entry icon. Then I use the dog leash to get inside window.