First this is a brill site and has saved me hundreds of pounds maybe even thousands. But.. the search function is totally naffed up I enter for example the genre of a game, say Racing, but other games like pokemon are in the list, and 3 pages of non-racing games are listed. Pokemon is definately not a racing game.... so unless you are specific with the actual name of the game the search function is useless.
Search works fine, people are just mislabelling the games, RomUlation is a community project in the understanding that the community provides the info, screenshots, rating, genres etc. If there's a game with an incorrect genre then just hit the genres tab and click on the incorrect genre.
It's the other gamers/downloaders who take it for fun labeling the genres of the games you mentioned...which is irritating sometimes
that's why I use other web sites to find specific games, ie gamefaqs... Do a racing search there...then come back here and look for that perticular game... Normally though I'd just go for the most downloaded games...the most downloaded are the most in demand