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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Canoso777, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

  2. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    It's part of the "heroic mime" trope.

    a whole list of uses here:

  3. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    i dont know if this is the reason, in my opinion its to conect more with the character. since the creators of the character dont put a voice on him, you are the voice, so its not someone else talking, its like you are talking. this has happened to me, like, i feel more connected to characters that dont talk because of this, its not like a famous persons voice, but its yours. :)

    Well... its just my opinion
  4. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    So True, Youve open my mind With ''you are the voice'' :')
  5. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    happy face :)
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    Don't Talk:

    P3 main
    P4 Main
    Probably ever SMT game
    FF2 i think
    Saint's Row 99% of the time

    Main does talk:
    Saint's row 2
    Every tales game

    more games i don't feel like listing
  7. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?


    Cloud Talks

    Squall Talks

    FF10 main talks

    Vaan talks.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    But you know, there are instances where the main character should have never opened his or her trap to begin with :p

    As an example, Mario's excruciating ADHD stricken Italian Mickey Mouse voice.

    I so badly want to run over with a car the guy they hired for Mario's voice as the voice he gave my heroic fat plumber was so retarded.

    I felt that I had to wring somebody's neck the first time I heard Mario go, "Yaaahh!, Yipee!", as it sounded over the top retarded.
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    Mr. Martinet actually got the part because they wanted mari's voice to be more kid-friendly instead of previous portrayals a a grizzled Brooklyn Plumber.

    But you gotta admit- A darker voice would call for a darker mario...

  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    I said, "main does talk" and listed 8, 9, and 12, reading is fun, try it. Cloud i guess technically talks for like 2%
  11. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?



    okay then. Yeah.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    Kid friendly eh?

    So that meant dumbing the character down, that's sad.

    The old voice from the cartoon was spot on to be honest.
  13. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    I like Mario's voice; how does it "dumb down" the games? The voices in Sunshine were pretty dumb, I'll take the occasional "yippee" over those any day.
    I don't really like that characters remain mute games (with the exception of the Zelda series). Developers seem to think that it helps the player project themselves onto the main character, but I think that that only works in games were there is a lot of player choice.
    Deus Ex had the main character talk; I didn't feel less involved. I don't feel Gordon Freeman being mute helps me to identify with him either; I think it just makes him bland and devoid of a personality.

    I really like certain Zelda games; I don't have a problem identifying with Link in OoT or MM, maybe that's just because I love them so much though :)
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    if the character is voiced, it encompasses an interpretation of what the persona of that character. so if samus aran is voiced, that voice will personafy who she is.

    nintendo and other game companies don't do this because it's upto the imagination of the gamer. it's important because it's us, the gamer, who decides what personification the character undergoes. for instance, if samus aran is voiced with a peachy soft voice, then that is who she is because of the voice and there is no changing that. but if we don't have a voice, then we can make her into any character of which we like, such as that of lady deathstrike or any other character that we can and want personify them as that character.

    a lot of hardcore gamers want link from zelda to talk. but if he talks, the personification that each and every single person who characterized him as a certain character will be ruined. if suppose link is placed with a childish elvish voice, then our concept of who he is as a personal personification of him is tarnished. look at megaman, he is given a childish like voice.

    think of the cartoon movie, batman gotham knight, how each of the kids gave batman a certain idea of their own personification. now imagine that everyone knew batman talked like a pipsqueak [someone who inhaled helium] the idea of batman is now different and there would be no way of changing that.
  15. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    How do you explain games were there is no voice acting, yet the main character does not speak?
    I think that whether or not gamers can project themselves onto a main character depends on what they are given to work with. It's not as if people have problems identifying, empathising with and understanding characters on television shows. I think that mute main characters sort-of damage story-heavy games to some extent, sometimes to quite a large extent. I think having a mute main character only works as intended when the game isn't heavy on story or conversations with other characters, when there are dialogue options that gain different responses from NPCs, or when the player is given the opportunity to do things in the game world that allows them to express themselves as an individual (such as the moral choice put forth in some games and the way the story branches to accommodate these choices).
    Again, I'm going to use Deus Ex as an example of a game with player choices that has a main character whom is voiced.
    I agree (although, it's not as if the way that most people picture Link's personality is going to vary wildly based on the games up to now). I suppose that other people may have different opinions on what Link may be thinking after seeing/hearing/experiencing different things; but it's a fine line between him having a personality that the player molds, and having just no personality (like the Links from the DS Zeldas and the one from Twilight Princess).
  16. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    I never heard Dragon Quest series hero speak.
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?


    And OH YEAH!!!


    Being an 80's to early 90's kid rocks! You people absolutely missed out on a lot of good cartoons, especially videogame oriented ones :p

    I didn't mean the voice dumbed down the games, I meant it made Mario's "character" look like an imbecile with low I.Q. :p

    As I said, the voice in the cartoons was more correct to what an Italian Plumber from Brooklyn might sound like. The one they use now sounds just like an Italian dubber voicing Mickey Mouse & the "Italian" Mamamia! stereotype skits we're so passe. Personally, I'd always wanted Mario & Luigi to sound as if they were part of the mob to be honest Capiche! ?

    And about link... Ugh, his girly voice was annoying too. Again, that too is because of an 80's cartoon:


    So yeah, "Excuse me markswan" LOL!
  18. blackninja565

    blackninja565 New Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    Jack From "Jack and Daxter" doesnt talk until about the third game.
  19. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    But it's not as if the main Mario games require heavy characterisation. And I don't want to think of Mario as a plumber from Brooklyn; it sort of ruins the fun dwelling on the fact that Mario's profession requires him to unblock toilets. Thinking of him coming from Brooklyn also makes me think of that terrible film :(
    I wasn't attacking you; just offering my opinion on what you posted.
  20. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Re: Why Main Character Never Talks!?!?

    i think he talks in the second, but he's a whining emo. They got him right in the 3rd.