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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by deank27, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    hey, can you list all the gun type items in the game? i was kind of thinking of a primary weapon change.(my weapon right now is a gatling gun xD)

    Items i already know :

    -bow - bazooka/rocker launcher - freeze ray
    -crossbow - flamethrower
    -barrel gun - shotgun/dragon(weapon)
    -airgun - stun gun
    -bb gun - capture gun(makes them sleep)
    -water gun :D - ray gun
    -gatling gun - mind control device (it looks like a gun xD)
    -pistol - smg
    -revolver - machinegun
    -rifle - ar (assault rifle?)

    if i'm missing any please post them !
  2. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    tank and fire
  3. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    i mean weapons that you hold not ride.
    ( i already have mech for that anyways )
  4. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    Theres so many items ect ect that i gave up.
  5. Fragata

    Fragata Well-Known Member

    There is a list somewhere of every item you can use in scribblenauts so according to theorey you could find that and search for gun?
  6. jacoppin

    jacoppin Member

    the shrink ray is useful, there is also the paintball gun, however that is fairly useless as it just changes colour
  7. blitzsonicforever

    blitzsonicforever New Member

    Where have I herd that before?... STEWEY
  8. olimpa

    olimpa Well-Known Member

    -shrink ray
    -spud gun :eek: fires a whole potatoe
    -bb gun
    -paint gun ;D colours things pink
  9. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

  10. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

  11. Ojcar

    Ojcar Member

    grenade launcher