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Screwing w/ someone who uses my stuff?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lephantome92, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    in my dorm hall's bathroom we have a set of those cubbies that we can put our shower stuff in rather than lugging it back and forth each time we shower. i just recently found out that someone was using my shampoo w/out asking (they cracked the lid, and there is no way the hinge would crack if it just fell out o/t cubbie). well, clearly now i need to keep it in my room, but before i do that, any ideas of ways i could just fuck them over? all i can think of now is hiding paper or plastic under the lid to keep it from coming out, or hiding like a spring or something in the lid to get them when they open it. any good ideas?
  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    put a bomb in your cubby so when someone opens it the whole fucking bathroom explodes
  3. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    i just wanna ruin that person's day, not the whole hall's day. besides, my room is right against the side o/t bathroom that has the cubbies, so i'd die and not be able to laugh at them
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Shit in your shampoo. That'd show 'em.
  5. reekon_retro

    reekon_retro Well-Known Member

    Take out shampoo put in glue, they'll get stick fingers from trying to remove lol.
  6. tanstaafl

    tanstaafl Active Member

    Fill shampoo bottle with Nair hair removal cream. Or battery acid, fuck 'em.
  7. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    you're that guy who wants to pay less than everyone else, instead of being cool, when splitting the bill because reasons

    i hate that guy
  8. tanstaafl

    tanstaafl Active Member

    I think he's more like the guy who is pissed off at the twat who ate part of his meal when he left the table for a minute.
  9. DamnoMan

    DamnoMan Member

    I lol'd xD

    Put potassium or some other alkali metal in the bottle. That way when they pour some out in the shower, it'll burst into some nice purple flames. And it would probably give them a new hairdo.
  10. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    Put your shampoo in a different container then fill the old one with a mixture of jizz, toothpaste, something soapy to make convincing suds, and anything else your wicked heart desires. Then wait. The person that starts shouting or runs out looking horrified is the guy you gotta punch. (that or you can forever remind him that he felt your jizz in his hands and hair)
  11. doommaker

    doommaker Guest

    what if some one else just randomly runs out screaming XD?
  12. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    Who does that? o_O
  13. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    i'm wondering if it would be practical enough to, after transferring what's still there, cut a big hole in the inner part of the lid so that it still closes, and make something jump out or some kind of startling noise. though with the noise, i guess it'd be kinda easy if i were really good at wiring and had all the supplies *insert tl;dr thoughts how i'd do it*
  14. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    cum in a shampoo bottle, perfectly fine
    react to having said cum in your hair, WHO DOES THAT!!!

    involving electricity where water is present is always a good idea
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Simple, practical, but won't cause long term damage, just for friendly gag hit back, not kill or turn into violence?

    What color is his/her shampoo?
    Would be fun if his/her shampoo is either black or blue, mix it with parker pen ink or boardmarker ink or even permanent maker ink. If it's other color, use water color instead. Make sure the concentrate's consistency is kept, don't add any water. If you want the color to stick for a day or two, either use pemanent ink or food coloring paste.

    Could also do it to his/her toothpaste if it's other than white, but make sure to use food grade cake coloring paste, you don't want the guy/girl to get poisoned if you use non-food grade coloring. Adding baking power into it is also fun, makes his/her mouth foam, it's harmless too since toothpaste contains it too.
  16. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    sadly, all i know about the person is that theyre using my stuff w/out asking. and my shampoo is a sort of golden brown color with flecks of micah in it.
  17. reekon_retro

    reekon_retro Well-Known Member

    Combine all the above suggestions ,Record video, show video to all the ppl who you suspect use your stuff, record the epic look that will come from the face of the culprit. POST video to youtube.
  18. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    the only way i'd be able to do video is if i would rig my bottle to scare the crap out of them when they pick it up. otherwise the only way to record would be recording him in the shower, and that's just awkward. besides, then it can't be uploaded to youtube. hrm. maybe if i could get a tape recorder and i can upload audio of what happens when whoever gets the surprise of his life.

    anybody know how quickly instant snow expands, if it'd be fast enough to grow once dumped into his hand?
    Post Merge: [time]1353386727[/time]
    i just had an idea that could work if executed properly. i remember a video from a while ago where a girl stuffed an extended measuring tape into a TP holder and rigged it to fly out when the TP was pulled. i'm trying to think of how i could weight down the bottle and do something like that (see tl;dr for current thoughts and ideas).

    i have 3 ideas of how i could hide the tape:
    1. cut off the back, then stuff it vertically
    2. cut off the bottom and stuff it in
    3. remove the inner part of the lid so it flies out when he opens it
    with 1 and 2, i'd need to figure out a way to weight/stick the bottle so that it won't free itself or look unnatural until the time comes. i could use some bb's that i have, but i'm unsure of where would be the best place to put them.
    with #3, there's the risk of poking his eye out and while yes, i am pissed he's using my stuff w/out asking (see tanstaafl's metaphor), i still don't really wanna poke out an eye. *insert biblical metaphor* of course i still have no idea who took it and squirted a shitton on the mirrors in front o/t sinks in the beginning o/t semester. if it's the same guy, well, revenge is a dish best served cold
  19. scribe

    scribe New Member

    seriously. do some deeds, bust out tat r18 material (r21+ if you're in the usa) and go to town pulling pug all the way there. That way if someone ever used your shampoo again they'll never wassh the shame out of their hair
  20. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    you mean jizzing in the bottle? i think i mentioned earlier, but it'd be incredibly difficult to accurately make jizz the right color, even worse since there're flecks of mica in it. besides, even if i only open the bottle when i drop a load, wouldn't it start clumping?