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Save Path in Epsxe? Help, No Clue what I'm doing!!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by jcburnett111, Feb 13, 2010.

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  1. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    Ok, So i ahve been trying to save FF9 on my Epsxe emulator, and this ahs failed. Also failing was savestate, with the savestate dissappearing after i close and reopen epsxe.

    After alot of browsing on the net, it appears that there is a problem with the savepath in my memcards.

    The problem is, I dont know what the path is... not sure how I can get the savepath up anyway, and have no idea how to create it manually.

    Any and all help appreciated!

  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Start here:

    ePSXe will automatically create the Memory card files as long as your directory in the Memory Card config exists. Go to Config -> Memory Cards and make sure it's right.
  3. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    I'm not sure how to tell if its right... I changed it when I first downloaded it, thinking I have to name the memory card, which is why i'm presuming it wont work. i'll tell you the path from my computer, and perhaps you could rephrase it so I could insert it straight into the memery card config?

    C Drive Users Me Desktop Memcards


    And by the way, Do i have to delete the delete.me file in memcards? Don't wanto to incase i ruin it lol.

    Thanks alot! It's greatly appreciiated.
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Here is an example (my configuration)

    I have

    C:\Games\Emulators\PSX\epsxe170\memcards\ has to exist. If those folders don't exist, you need to create them. You also have to have the folders spelled correctly. If the folders do not exist, ePSXe will not create the memory card files and your saves will not work.

    delete.me does not have to be deleted, but deleting it won't hurt anything.
  5. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    Ok created a new folder in C Drive called Epsxe then created a floder in that called Memcards.

    Does that mean the path would be

    Again, all replies would be greatly appreciated.

    Thankyou very much!!
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member



    You can name the file anything you want. Even "FinalFantasy9.mcr".
    Then you know that the saved games on that one are for FF9, and when you go to play another game, just change it to the name of that game .mcr and you'll have a fresh memory card to use for the new game, and won't have to worry about filling up your card with numerous games and guessing which card file has what games on it.
  7. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member


    Thats what I have to put in then yeah? Not sure if you've played FF9, but just incase you havent, you have to talk to a moogle to save, then you save in a slot (1-15) if i save in slot 1, will my saved data save to here yes?

    And is there any particular reason for having the secondd save destination thingy?

    Sorry for my ignorance, but was delighted when i found out about the psxe and would like to know how it works as im sure many other people do.

    Thanks a bunch!
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Yes, when you save it will save just like if you were using a real Playstation with actual Memory cards. The memory card files will hold all the data that a real memory card will. (and yes, I've played FF9) The second one is for the second memory card slot (the playstation has two memory card slots). So you the first is your Slot 1 memory card, the second is slot 2. When you talk to your moogle, you could choose Slot 2 and it would use the Slot 2 configured file.

    When quitting ePSXe, make sure to close it properly or else the memory card files might not update correctly. Press ESC to close the game window and return to the ePSXe GUI. Then choose File->Exit.

    If you hit the red X in the corner of the game window, ePSXe will still run in the background (you can hear the game audio) and you will have to use Ctrl-Alt-Del to close ePSXe.
  9. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member


    Thank you very much!

    Whilst I am here, I'll assume that you wouldn't mind one more question, buy if you de then please feel free to let me know,

    but i am blissfully unaware of the uses of savestates? mine just auto delete when I colse the epsxe?

    Is this meant to happen?

    Again, Tankyou very much for your help and guidance.

  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I've never used saved states, so I'm not sure.
  11. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    Ah, ok.

    Ahh, this didnt happen before, but now whenever I go into battle, the swirly screen that happens before battle actually commences goes extremely slow.

    any ideas? Thanks.
  12. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What Video plugin are you using?

    If you are using Pete's OpenGL2 2.9 or Pete's D3D 1.77 (which you should be) there are special game fixes that can be enabled that will fix the battle swirl.

    I think it's 0x00200 G4 Polygon Cache.
    You can turn on others too and test if they fix the problem as well.
  13. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    Great, Thanks.

    Just to make sure before I reattempt to play, do I have to create MemoryCard01.mcr

    in memcards file?
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    No, ePSXe will create the file the first time you use it. You just have to make sure the folders exist (which you already did).
  15. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    Re: Save Path in Epsxe? Help, No Clue what I\'m doing!!

    ok so C:\epsxe\memcards\MemoryCard01.mcr

    But I only have to have created up to memcards yeah?

    Thanks alot pal.
    Post Merge: [time]1266113833[/time]
    Its saying;

    Warning: The memcard (Null) Was not Saved To Disc.

    That mean anything??
  16. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Did you leave the second memory card slot blank?
  17. jcburnett111

    jcburnett111 Member

    Yeah I did.

    Appears to be saving data correctly though.

    Thank you very much for your continuous help and support.
  18. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    That's why it gave you the error. There is no configured file to save the second memory card to. So if you want to get rid of the error, just put a file in it.
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