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sands of destruction... special attack??

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by b.timmer, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. b.timmer

    b.timmer Active Member

    hey how can i do an special attack on sands of destruction?
    cant pass rajiv in the prison :S u know... when its torturing agan
  2. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    You need to string up quite a long hit combo it seems.
    It will be easier if you fortify the flurry atacks.
  3. b.timmer

    b.timmer Active Member

    the flurry attacks...? are Y or X? or both o.o? cuz im using only X if thats the problem...
  4. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    There's your problem, try using the Y moves more often, apparently it is stronger if you upgrade it nicely.
    Taupy's Y attacks is good.
  5. b.timmer

    b.timmer Active Member

    okay thanks :D man im so gonna own that guy (6)
  6. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    you will need to unlcok up to level 7 in order to link attacks and try to get the chain you need, wehn you get a full bar of attack circles you will unleash a special attack, the bear guy has the highest chance in early game,as i have unleashed alreday several times, his SP Attack
  7. b.timmer

    b.timmer Active Member

    im lvl 24 using only flurry attacks... no special attacks :(
    can any1 help me with it?
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    upgrade you attacks to level 7 chain them, and also make sure you get equipment with high critical %, between more crirtical hits you scre the better also make sure all skills are equally balanced, ergo, if you are gonna use MC flurry attack amke sure its bar has equal parts of ACC and POW otherewise ou wil kill the enemies way too fast.
  9. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Can anyone help me? I can't find the sceptre after beating Rajiv.
  10. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Go to the elevator, there will be another boss fight.
    Check the map for clues.
  11. choipoh

    choipoh New Member

    Dam i don't get it although i get a 12-15 combo
  12. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I think it's around 20 hit combo to get the Special attacks.
  13. chukapi

    chukapi Guest

    Just upgrade your flurry attack1 to level 7 with balance attack and accuracy then chain to the flurry attack2 then max it again so it will be chain to flurry attack3. and by the way you can just max the attack of flurry attack 2 and 3 even if it has a 0 accuracy it will still hit if it's chain to flurry attack1