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sand of destruction helpppppp

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by kyranasa, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. kyranasa

    kyranasa Well-Known Member

    have anybody played this?
    how to use overload of morte?
    also chef's delight of kyrie????
    Post Merge: [time]1263716654[/time]
    and how to beat final rajiv??? i keep miss at him .
  2. dja

    dja Active Member

    you mean mortes "massacre"?
    you have to get the action point(the round thing under your sp,I don't know what its called)to 6 or 7 point,then a golden point appear,press either x or y,it doesn't matter cause both of them will trigger the character's finisher or in morte case her massacre
    if you want to easily get the action point to get the character finisher,just customize your character flurry1 to max level,then you will get a bonus for the attack you upgrade to its max level,you have to choose between fortify ability or add 2 upgrade gauge,choose fortify ability and link it with your flurry2

    morte,flurry1-lightning slash level 3 you get spin kick(her flurry2)
    upgrade her L-slash to max"choose fortify ability,you got chained ability,choose the spin kick"
    and wallah you can use two move at once,and only use 1 action point,also you can easily get your action point to 6 point,just keep using this attack and you can use her massacre very quickly,I got all my character linked like this,and I beat azure sea pretty easily(you can only link the attacks flurry1>flurry2>flurry3,even after you link to flurry 3 it will only used 1 action point)

    with linked attacks you could easily beat rajiv,
    but when i fought rajiv I didn't have linked attacks yet,(I was just lucky)
    if you have a hard time fighting rajiv,you will have an even harder time fighting......
    soorry cant tell you,lets just say after you beat rajiv,just save...
  3. kyranasa

    kyranasa Well-Known Member

    no it isn't from molotov you lv it up > shock something then > blizzard and then > overload... it blood skill.... but it the fourth blood skill and 1st,2nd,3rd is Y,X,A .... it doesn't show the fourth .....
    Post Merge: [time]1263730609[/time]
    i already know how to use finisher....
  4. dja

    dja Active Member

    sorry for the mix up...
    I just figured it out...,

    its just like when you use the finisher,ONLY press the a button instead of activating the finisher,
    there you can choose either blood or life skill 4th skill...
  5. kyranasa

    kyranasa Well-Known Member

    oh ..... thanks :))