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Saken_: Platinum Team pointers/ modifications

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by saken_, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. saken_

    saken_ Active Member

    Yeah, thought Id post up my team so that I would get to know how you people think (gaming wise)
    and I think I might need professional help ^,^

    Infernape Adamant(sp. atk - atk +) item: not specified
    252 atk 252 speed
    Flare blitz
    Close combat
    Stealth rock /(weird place to have?)
    Thunder punch

    Togekiss Modest (atk- sp.atk +) Item: Razor Fang
    252 sp atk 252 speed
    Air Slash
    Nasty plot
    Water pulse
    Aura sphere

    Gardevoir Modest --Trace-- Item: Wide Lens
    202 sp atk 58 speed sp def 124 def 124
    Calm Mind
    grass knot/thunderbolt

    Dusknoir Adamant Item: Leftovers
    252 hp 124 sp. def 124 def 8 atk
    Ice punch
    Shadow punch

    Lanturn Bold --volt absorb-- (atk- def+) Item: leftovers
    162 def 168 sp def 12 sp atk hp 168
    aqua ring
    Stockpile /(used to have ice beam)

    Garchomp Adamant Item: Brightpowder
    180 atk 180 speed 74 def 76 sp. def

    Earth quake
    dragon claw /(used to use outrage)
    crunch/ wanna change it
    dragon dance

    As you all can see I like to be more "balanced" (I try to cover their weaknesses by spreading evs around for example: Gardevoir can usually be ohko by my friends physical
    Metagross so I add some def to get into the 2hko range and hypnosis with a wide lens to increase my accuracy. then calm mind and tbolt/ grass knot for kill or scratch off some life.

    So I was wondering am I doing ok, or should I be more specific like :walls only cover hp,def/sp def and atkers only speed and attk/sp. attk?
    Any moves sets you guys would recommend?
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Your Dusknoir will love you forever if you put Pain Split on it. Stone Edge is a decent move on a Garchomp, as is Fire Blast.

    Also, can you explain exactly why you are using Lanturn?
  3. saken_

    saken_ Active Member

    Well Im not to familiar with pain split so could you give me an example (last time something used painsplit on me it just kept hurting itself )

    I made my garchomp a physical attacker so fire blast would probably not offer much more help than other moves it already has (and low accuracy imo)

    Lanturn doubles as my physical/special wall :
    high hp
    decent natural def and sp. def (plus evs to add to these areas)
    and average sp attk~
    with leftovers and aqua ring I regain around 20-35 hp and with stockpile I further increase def and sp def up to three times for higher resistance!
    in addition because of the way I balance it it still has a good overall advantage against opponents~
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Pain Split works by adding up the HP of both battlers and dividing it evenly between them. It's incredibly useful for high-HP walling Pokemon, as well as Dusknoir's only means of self-healing.

    Also, for your Garchomp, the Fire Blast is basically just there for coverage. If you're uncomfortable with it, Stone Edge is good (accuracy's a little shaky, but what can you do?).
    On the subject of your Garchomp, I suggest making it far more lethal. Replace Brightpowder with a Yache Berry - since you won't have a Sandstorm up, the evasion increase isn't going to be significant enough to risk eating an Ice Shard or the like. Also, redistribute your EVs as 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe. This ensures that you'll be able to outspeed most of your counters, as well as boosting its Attack (the functional stat) to the point where you can hit hard right off the bat in case you can't pull off a Dragon Dance.

    Split EV spreads are great and all, I'm just a little uncomfortable about non-specialisation. You could probably knock off the Defense EVs on Gardevoir (for example)and use them to max out your SpAtk and boost your speed, and switch to a physical wall if threatened by a physical sweeper.
  5. saken_

    saken_ Active Member

    alrigHT, Thanks!

    Btw, Im guessing everyone else in team is doing ok so far?
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    For the most part, yes. Although the redistribution of the EVs on Gardevoir in particular is looking to be a better prospect, since you shouldn't be staying in on a Metagross switch anyway. The only time it's viable to do so is if you catch it coming in with a Hypnosis, or if you run Shadow Ball. You can possibly outspeed an Agiligross/Choice Band Metagross if you invest in 252 Speed, but that might not be the case if it runs a Jolly nature. You will always be outsped by the Scarfed version, which is sadly rather common.