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Russian roulette :)

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by mds64, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Here is a random game idea, basically everyone post a murder weapon...or just a random object.

    Every 5th poster will take the above user's suggestion and use said weapon on themselves, those in between will take those said ideas into consideration or fuse them-whatever works out to be fun to kill yourself with :) also you MUST post a digit to indicate what order your in, example "4" NO WORDS FOR NUMBERS!!!

    Final rule, if someone isn't using the post warning or just post and disregard the rules, consider that person that they used their own idea and killed themselves.

    Here are some example post to help get the game going...

    So how easy?

    Now for a failed one...

    Consider that poster killed themselves with that idea and continue at 1 :)

    Now for my first post...

    Helium balloon shoved down throat-1
  2. Xclan96

    Xclan96 Member

    Radioactive spider bite(u don't get superpowers,u die)-2
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Atom bomb in your pants-3
  4. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Bomb in your month - 4
  5. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    jump infront of a bus! - 5
  6. mikebrown123

    mikebrown123 New Member

  7. Lysergic420

    Lysergic420 Active Member

    x/0 - 2
  8. sandman1264

    sandman1264 Active Member

    death by old age...original...-3
  9. sokka101

    sokka101 Well-Known Member

    death by chuck noriss's round house kick4
  10. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Trimbletown's head gets kicked off by Norris the mighty
  11. sokka101

    sokka101 Well-Known Member

    first off YEAH he picked mine

    1. death by justin bieber songs (used through torture)
  12. Lysergic420

    Lysergic420 Active Member

    spontaneous combustion - 2
  13. sandman1264

    sandman1264 Active Member

  14. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Seph destroys Romulation (death by boredom) -4
  15. sandman1264

    sandman1264 Active Member

    [me=sandman1264]dies of boredom because romulation dissapears[/me]
  16. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Major lack of water -1
  17. adelie66

    adelie66 Member

    DDeath by Evil Video Tape- 2
  18. corprlfish

    corprlfish Well-Known Member

    Kukri- 3
  19. Xclan96

    Xclan96 Member

    Death by My gigantic sword-4
  20. sandman1264

    sandman1264 Active Member

    [me=sandman1264]dies by Xclan96's gigantic sword and wonders why it's always him that dies.[/me]