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running a firmware inside of a frimware

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by amskhan, Nov 29, 2011.

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  1. amskhan

    amskhan Active Member

    so i was watching a yutube video on how to by pass anti piracy without too much change
    the person opened up the r4 firmware and then he launched an app containing some other firmware?
    is this possible?
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yes....its actually old news.

    Depending on what your R4 cart is, there are options to use:
    2. Wood R4
    3. AKAIO
    4. WAIO
    5. MAIO

    Most R4 carts use either YSMENU/TTMENU or Wood R4. But certain clone R4 carts use the other 3 secondary firmware.

    To find out further about which to use, you'll need to identify which R4 cart you are using and CLICK HERE TO VISIT Romulation's FLASH CART SECTION. Once you indentify which one is your R4 cart, you can then try to run the appropriate secondary firmware in your cart. Further inquiries may be asked in the respective topic.

    When asking, please state in detail;
    1. Full name of your R4 Cart (see the label on the body of the cart)
    2. Original firmware (if you know where to locate it; see among the files via PC or via your console)

    Without the above info, no one will be able to properly assist you, since there are over a dozen different R4 carts in the market. We don't want to unnecessarily start playing guessing game.
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