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Rune factory 2

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by zanzetzuken19, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    did anyone finished playing the first part of the game??? this game rocks!! ;D
  2. meminpanda

    meminpanda Well-Known Member

    i finished the first part xD and i agree it rocks
  3. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    yeah 1 was sweet & RF2 rocks... but theres 1 thing that puzzles me about number 2 with the first gen part...
    Cecilia / Dorothy / Rosalind & Julia all get married in the first gen part of it after so Meany months & years (no worries because there all easy to get to love kyle) but heres the thing that confuses me...
    they all have kids with the guys they marry in the second gen but if u marry one of them dose that kid become non existant ? or anther persons kid ? its been puzzling me since i first thort of it... Cose in a way its like changing the past & erasing future....
  4. xsheenax55

    xsheenax55 New Member

    i beat the game but its still alot of fun to play
  5. wolfshark

    wolfshark Active Member

    oh my god i have a field full of crops its almost the end of spring and i have no idea what to do to get past the barriers in the woodsy areas and caves
  6. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    I think i've completed the game. (!possible spoilers!) I'm in the 2nd generation and hae saved Dad. Do you ever grow up? - and get married?
  7. igoylytes

    igoylytes Member

    umm ... just curious ... is it possible to marry 2 person ? since i've seen a screenshot that the main char marrying 2 person while in other source said that polygamy is not possible ..
  8. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    actually u can marry 2 person by hacking it. i think... i asked someone whose playing and that's the answer i got...
  9. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Rune factory 2 is great! I recently got it and it's like Harvest Moon (which I'm a big fan of, and makes since because it's marketed as such and by the same people) mixed with Legand of Mana with all the things that drove me NUTS taken out of Harvest Moon.
  10. igoylytes

    igoylytes Member

    so it's possible by hacking it ... then again it's unofficial then ... thought that there's some kind of glitch or cheat to make it happen ^^
  11. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    dont worry about my post aboth i found out the answer i was looking for :S & ont bother to say it took me long anuff cose ive only just been bothered to reply... & yes i know it was a retarded queston i was asking....

    & wolfshark if your still playing as kyle (the first chactor) then u cant pass the stone head things & fences... but u can when u become a kid... (the kid can read the stone heads & yes u got to do what they say lol)
  12. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    Too bad you can't play as a girl. The guys in Rune factory are kind of bishounen like. Unlike Harvest Moon DS Cute where the design of the guys totally messed up somehow.
  13. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I think you can play as a girl in the second generation.
  14. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    kanakacheek / Solus - the answer is yes u can play as a boy or girl in the secon gen. near the end of the first gen part of the game the girl u married will say that ur gona have a baby & u can choose if u want a boy / girl or it to be random (eaver) depending what u pick there will determing what ur chactor will be in the second gen. (as for me i picked random & got a girl lol)
  15. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    as a nine year old (at least so I've heard)...it's kind of weird to engage when you are nine, and the guys are around her age. That's kind of creepy in my opinion haha.
  16. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Well, at least the guys are around her age. It'd be creepier if they were, ya know... 15-18, and being engaged to her...
  17. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Back in the old days, people start getting married around 14 so I guess a promise to be married at nine is acceptable

    By the way, Im about to advance to the second-gen. Just married YUe :D

    Who did you guys chose to marry?
  18. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i found this in another forum, this guide is like HUGE!
    apparently to get rid of the statues you have to give it stuff, and in second generation the kids can squeeze through the fences
  19. Wolfdemonpaw

    Wolfdemonpaw Well-Known Member

    rush n kaos - yeah the kids can in the second gen...

    Solus - in one file i married julia (while i was still lernning the game) & after i restarted i got kyle married to rosalind
  20. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Ah I just got around to playing the second gen. I dont really like the bacholerettes for the 2nd gen. Damn I would rather have stuck with Yue as my wife not my mother. -.- Felt awkward but anyways gonna give RF2 a break for now. Getting a bit boring