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Rune Factory 2 (again, again)

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Soluri, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Yeah, addicted do Rune Factory.
    I have a couple of questions:
    First, are my levels high enough to go to the second generation?
    Level: 11
    Weapons: 15
    Farming: 19
    Mining: 37
    Magic: 16
    Logging: 6
    Fishing: 8
    Communication: 23
    Others: 1
    Wood: 1500
    If you want to go to the second generation, how much food do you must have for your monsters, if you want that their hartlevel wont drop? I got almost 2200 food, and 16 monsters.
  2. djmani

    djmani Member

    lol..and i thought i was the only one that likes this game
  3. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Lol I love this game 2 so if theres any questions ya have ya can ask me oh and I know how too get to second gen I'll post one of my other posts that explains it all.

    Its simple all you have to do is get married by doing marridge quest (depends on person) wait for a week or two and your wife will announce she's pregnant you will then get to choose if it is a boy or girl or random.
    Your wife will then say she thinks that the baby will need a school and you should talk to the mayor about making one.
    When you go to the mayor and talk to him about making a school you will need 1000 pieces of wood (I think) and 100,000 gold.
    The wood shouldn't be a problem if you do lots of quests but if your like me and spent your money you will be short of cash but if your not and didn't spend much you should have plenty over all the quests you've done.
    After you give him the materials and money it will take about a week to build the school.
    Go and tell your wife and she will say some stuff after a week she will tell you to go check out the school go in and check it out when you go back out the mayor will be there then 8 years I think will pass.
    It will then show you a new video clip that will take over your old one when the game is loading and your father will disserpear and you go on a quest to find him.
    you will then get to play as your child you can then buy a dojo a making room (forgot what its called) were you can cook and forge and a library were you can find some useful books (wink, wink) and also play a game on multiplayer you can also now expand your barn so you can hold more monsters.
    You can also slip through places you couldn't get to before like the fences you will need tablets to get past the shrines though.
    You will also be able to do boss battles and that is about it (I think)
    Oh and by the way no you don't have to wait till the fourth year to get married I got married on first year and don't wait until the fourth year because some of the girls would have got married by then so you have less choice.
    P.S don't marrie Yew it will affect her shop schedule and I wouldn't marrie anyone who is going to marrie another girl (you can see who in walkthrough such as Jake will marry Ceci on fourth year and if you marry Ceci Jake will marrie Yew so basically the left over guy will marry Yew unless you marrie someone who isn't going to get married.
  4. divisionbyzero

    divisionbyzero New Member

    I've also spent too much time playing this game. It's nice to know that there are others around the internet who share my 'tastes' :p
    When moving on to second generation, I tried to do as much as possible, levelling as high as possible/getting as much money as possible/getting as much lumber as possible to give the child a good head start. Still, things get harder in the second generation anyway.

    A little bit of extra info....
    Mana doesn't marry anyone if you don't marry her. Basically she's intended to be 'your' girl or something like that... since, like rune factory 1's Mist and rune factory 3's Sia, she's the default girl.
    If you marry another girl, Yue will marry the guy whose destined life partner you stole :p
    Also, Alicia doesn't get married IIRC.
    IIRC, the pairings for the other girls are as follows...
    Cecilia + Jake
    Dorothy + Barret
    Julia + Max
    Rosalind + Ray

    On my first playthrough, I went after Rosalind... and well... hmmm I dunno if I should spoil the fun for you though...

    And LadyFortuna... curse you... now you've gone and made me grab my DS to play this game too :p
  5. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    :p Just married Rosalind, she's kinda funny XD
    Now I'm level 11 :)
  6. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Get on second gen its alot easier to lvl up there not to mention the new things you can do its alot better.