The ironic and sarcastic rules of the forum: Do not use twenty words when five will do. Do not try to make friends. Do not try to endear yourself to anyone, ever. Avoid complex or compound sentences. Do not try to "burn", "pwn," or "trick" anyone. Do not be optimistic about your chances of acceptance. There is no such thing as friendship, only bored amusement. There is no such thing as entertainment, only less boredom. You are not happy, you are only less apathetic than usual. You do not like the mainstream because you are a reject (thats why your here); you can only reference the mainstream ironically. Watch your spelling and grammar so that people won't think you're an idiot. But mess up your spelling and grammar occasionally so people won't think you're a faggot. Disparage the forum but not the forumgoers, not even the shitty ones, until you've got a higher postcount. But remember that postcount doesn't matter. Disparage the mods always. Remember that you don't care about other people but never actually say you don't because that's interpreted as drama. Before replying to a post remember that sarcasm has been known to go as deep as five layers and you've almost certainly misunderstood. Don't preview your post, just go ahead and send it. Remember that most users are gimmick accounts or trolls, with the exception of the A-Team. If you make a mistake and are called out, pretend it was sarcastic and then imply that the person who called you out is mentally deficient. But don't use words like "mentally deficient". Unless it's sarcastic. And never ever ever draw out a conversation with anyone, ever, because by the end of three post-and-reply exchanges, it's either a circlejerk or a drama. Maybe both, but never neither.
I suppose do not use new lines is a rule too? I gave up reading a bit in because it was just one looooooong blob of text.
I wanna try one day when those rules were stated, Wacky Rules day! or Have an Admin for a day contest Think about all the destruction that would happen...
I'm not gonna mention names but I think these weird forum rules are the by laws or rules of a rival ROM site. As I have mentioned before, I sorta got into this rival ROM site, before I found & joined RomUlation, the people there were all jerks, the Admins & moderators too. There were even occasions where people got suspended or banned by the Admins/moderators, by mere impulse, or if they just feel like it. That place really didn't feel accomodating, I hope RomUlation never go down that path, 'cause as I've said so many times... RomUlation Rocks!! And Seph's da man!!