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Rubik's Cubez

Discussion in 'Sports' started by WWE.freak, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. WWE.freak

    WWE.freak Member

    Hi Everyone

    I'm a Rubik's addict. =D but i was wondering if anyone knows where to get silicone spray in australia. And can someone post a link of a lars petrus' tutorial because it's so hard to find a good tutorial to understand.

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    could you please change your avatar, the filesize is too big. its over 700KB and 100KB is a more than generous size for an avatar. Big avatars slow down the forum loading.
  3. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    I think you might find this interesting ;)
  4. quickcaster

    quickcaster Well-Known Member

    their making a rubiks cube which uses tough screen . http://gizmodo.com/5150935/rubiks-touchcube-is-the-worlds-first-touchscreen-rubiks-cube
  5. Daowiies

    Daowiies Well-Known Member

    Ah lubing your cube are you?
    I never got around to that because I did my cubes so much that they got loose! :L
    I just got back from Japan last week, and bought 2 cube :D [a 2x2, and a mirror 3x3]
    Cubing can be so fun ;D
    You're from Australia too? Yay *high five* :)
    For your silicon stuff; are you sure you haven't tried those stores like Bunnings Warehouse?
    And sorry; I don't have any links; I cubed self taught/friends taught 8)
  6. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    i LOVE rubiks cube!!!!'

    sadly, i can only solve 3x3 cube. I was tuaght by my friend and i shared it around. NOw majority of my group of friends can solve it. :)
  7. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    I can solve a 3x3 but I'm having a hard time doing 4x4 or even 2x2... :(

    Oh you can also try it in this not-so-good NDS game. :D
  8. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I have 4x4... cant't solve it xP But I love it anyways ;D
  9. MfireS

    MfireS Member

    I have 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, square-1, Rubik's 360 (it is new), Megamix (I think that is what it is), and more and I have solve all of them but it is not easy ???. My fastest time on the 3x3 is 36.00 sec.Good luck to all you Rubik's people. :D
  10. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    WOW. thats fast!

    my fastest was 1 min something and i nearly broke the cube doing it. (not very smooth)

    i want a 4x4 cube...
  11. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    Wow, just saw this. I love Rubik's Cube. I have the original 3x3 from the 80's when it first came out. Also have the original 4x4. Had the Rubik's Magic until brother in law sat on it. Have the 2x2 Homer Simpson. Have some other ones that are not cubed. I have too many of these, even have them with pics of cities, from a fish company with their logo.
  12. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i can only solve the 3x3 rubics cube and not too fast
  13. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    i can only solve 3x3 square, and my fastest time is 1 minute 25 second...

    my friend has already reach 6x6 square.. it's kinda freak.... haha... i couldn't even solve the 4x4 square....
  14. quickcaster

    quickcaster Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] try solving this but rubkis cube is fun though took me a week 2 solve a 4x4
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    what the... it will take me forever to solve that crap!
  16. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    They are so annoying to figure out. I give up half way through
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I hate rubik's cubes. They take too much time and are VERY annoying.
  18. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    i don't think i would be able to solve it even if i use my entire life...
  19. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I for one love rubik's cubes. Takes out alot of stress I would normally ell out at stupid people :|

    Fastest time is 42 seconds.
  20. SlicedandDiced

    SlicedandDiced Well-Known Member

    Wow do you use the concept of Algorithms?
    cause my friend does an his fastest was 39 secs i think