It's working fine, which RSS feed are you trying to view and what web browser are you using, as Firefox has a built in RSS reader.
im using the firefox rss reader but its not just firefox rss there's nothing on the site rss reader ether
the latest additions feed but on the site there's nothing in the feed box and on the feed reader (firefox) it just says feed failed to load
Well mine's working fine, if it bothers you that much, get a external or another RSS feed reader like FeedDemon or Feedburner, or reinstall Firefox.
RSS feeds broken. i've been using RSS feeds to keep track of the latest rom releases, but they stopped working for me on the 14th july. i checked on the home page and most work, although the nds one doesnt. is anyone else having this problem? is it a problem with the site or my computer? :-\ thanks.
The latest NDS Additions? It's working for me, except it shows the latest three now instead of the latest five.