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RPGs-Dying Breed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rpgirl, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Okay, I am genuinely an RPG fan, and it's not easy coming from a girl in Asia. I don't get many friends who share the same ideas and craziness and I can't well talk about them. It also occured to me the general public don't really like RPGs too especially Americans (not being bias or rude), so that's why most Japanese RPGs don't get interpreted into English. It's really sad because I can't read Japanese that much and I wish more RPGs can see it to English. For example, there were a lot of RPG's on the PSX and PS2 but not so many for PS3 or XBox 360. Is RPG really a dying breed? Oh btw, no offense, I don't mean to be rude, it's just something I read over the net about why RPGs not being made into English is because they don't get good feedback from other countries other than Japan itself..wondering if this is true?

    I would really love to see more Tales series in English though and some really weird titles being translated.

    Plus, if you were an RPG fan, what games would you like to see it in English? :-*
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Its true.... Most Americans like action/adventure cause of their short attention span.... They have to be kept amused with flashing lights and things blowing up because their mostly lazy SOB who dont want to spend time reading dialog.... I know how you feal.... If you want a tales game then try this....


    Its a translation for Tales of Innocence.... Their almost done....
  3. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    LOL...that's direct... :eek: I do enjoy action games too but I prefer RPGs as it's more in dept and has more things to do. Thanks for the translation on tales, okay I will look into it.
  4. SWIFT84

    SWIFT84 Member

    I don't believe RPGs are a dying breed. They're more of a cult thing in America since it's more "throw the players a bone" than say action, adventure, sports, or even "action RPGs". The case with JRPGs in the US tend to be you have to impress with animated cutscenes to push advertising--hence a reason to release more games of the same genre in the future. If the game is a true (old school) JRPG (meaning generally having no animated cutscene and just portrait and text) then it's harder to push and get sold in America...

    ...which results in no actual motivation to either make more RPGs or get them out in America. It's far easier to do it for DS or another portable since it's more like "What do you expect? Seriously." than say on a console.
  5. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    Well, I agree as I have a DS too. But there are a lot of non flashy RPGs that are worth translating. What about Sim Dating? I haven't seen any so far considering they have tonnes of great ones like Tokimeki Memorial or Love Plus. Tales series should all be translated since they are good...oh it makes me sad just thinking about it:(
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    That's some stupid reasoning. How about the people who prefer having gameplay than sitting and choosing an attack, then wait for a bit? I can't stand turn based RPGs, too boring for me, it's not because of the story, it's a case of me just being bored.
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    To the topic title, it's not a dying breed, well not for the DS. There are really good RPGs on the DS, and soon to come. And almost all of them have localizations.

    At the argument going on, it's a case to case basis. Not all people who want action are those who have short attention spans. It does get to a point where it gets boring choosing an attack and waiting, even I myself sometimes gets that feeling. But the inference among american gamers is true as well, that they prefer action games, your reasoning is the one at fault.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    rpg's just aint as good as they used to be......or maybe im just getting old.
    mid to late 90's was the best for rpg's when they couldnt do much with graphics and had to rely on the game been good
  9. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    rpg's will revolutionize gaming...

    only true gamers play rpg's
  10. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Biasism / opinion, not fact.

    RPGs are sparce at the moment, idea's are generally hard to come by I would assume. But I haven't seen many decent ones recently, so I'm more inclined to the point that they are a dying breed.
  11. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Because America = the rest of the world, right? Let's just completely forget the huge markets in Europe and Oceania.
  12. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Yes there are quite large markets here too :
  13. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    JRPG is dying.
    RPG is still alive and actually being pushed forward with games like Mass Effect 2,Fallout 3,etc.
    Final Fantasy 13 from what i've seen,read,and heard about won't bring JRPG back to scene.
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i dont really class mass effect and fallout 3 as rpgs, they are more action then what i grew up with, action games with rpg elements is a better description. fallout 3 is one of my favourite games though, just not a favourite rpg
    for me the final fantasy series died when they reached 10, all the fun and what made the previous games so good was gone, no world map, boring characters and a stupid story with too many cutscenes.
  15. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    You do realise you just insulted all americans head on.....
  16. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Americans hate RPGs? What? You sayin' all those sad bastards who cried when Aerith died (actually, I cared more about Cait Sith than her...) aren't real Americans? Hey man, I'll have you know I'm perfectly legal citizen here. RESPECT MY AUTHORITAY!

    Are RPGs really a dying breed (considering America is like, the whole world and there's nothing else that matters)? I'll jump head-first into a conclusion once I get the facts.
  17. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    well i'm from asia too and i have the same problems but i think RPG is dying in america..... its more like now there is a craze for action games rather than JRPGs
  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I don't play too many myself.

    And I don't buy them at all. Waste of money in my eyes.

    Lately I haven't had a game that I can thoroughly enjoy... :(

    So I have been boring myself with useless games.
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    As for Japan exclusive RPGs that never get "legitimately" localized, you can count on the ROM Hack Fan Translation community for that :)

    If a particular RPG Franchise has a set fan base (usually founded on the internet) that's clamoring for an English translation of a favored game, sooner or later a Fan Translation for said game might surface. Of course most of these will be text driven as ROM Hack Fan Translators rely only on programs the community have developed on their own & are not funded so games with voice acting may not get a 100% translation, but as long as you can read text in English it'll probably be OK. I mean Otaku generally prefer English Subs then dubs so think of it like that :)
  20. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    RPGs aren't becoming extinct; they are just evolving. Although JRPGs are really popular over here in The West still; traditional JRPGs are dying out as people expect more from their games.
    The appeal that could previously have only have been found in traditional JRPGs (detailed stories, amazing battle graphics, deep strategy) are being implemented with far more success in games that tear away from the restrictive imaginary rule set of JRPGs.
    The endless text boxes/whiny-voiced-conversations are shallow and binding compared to games like Fable that allow you to influence your own story and the dialogue of other characters to quite a large extent compared to games like Final Fantasy
    The random battle system and linedancng fight screen seems ridiculous in the face of games like Monster Hunter (a game far more popular in Japan than in The West) where you can stalk your prey and hack it down in real-time.
    Games like The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion allow the player to fulfill their geeky needs of using an overly complex spell/fighting system; but hide it so deep in flashy effects and and the illusion of spontaneous excitement to the point where the the player can suspend their disbelief that all they are doing is selecting options off of various lists.

    Traditional RPGs are still fun; but many of them are stale and wading through the past whilst modern Western RPGs are running over the surface of the water. Not every JRPG developer has the funds to whore creaky old games mechanics up like SquareEnix can.
    It's survival of the fittest and JRPGs too slow to compete in their old form.