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RPG Dilemma: Stop the randomized Battles!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    If you're an Rpg veteran like me (aherm) you probably encountered this annoying situation:

    You're asked (often times required) to solve a puzzle of some sort usually involving some mental prosessing (common examples are allign blocks to form a shape, match figures, color sequence pictures etc). then, as you're wracking your brains out solving the damn thing a freakin random battle occurs!!! :-[ :-[ :-[

    Another thing, you're climbing a ladder, then another freakin random battle occurs, but not while you're still clinging on the ladder, the game loads up your battle as if you're still on solid ground, huh!??

    Is it just me, or do these situations annoy you too?
  2. insidekitty83

    insidekitty83 New Member

    huh. i thought i was the only one who noticed those little annoyances..... good to know i'm not.
  3. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Well, the whole concept of random battles is pretty flawed in general.

    Many games nowadays can use actual sprites to represent a battle. It's not hard... it's a walking sprite that triggers the battle screen... so randomized battles are just wastes of game space... unless it's done right, in which case never happens.

    At least Kingdom Hearts had randomly scripted battles o_O;
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I was never really bothered by random battles all that much honestly. I would rather have a few too many fights over almost none at all since you don't get your characters stronger by not fighting :p

    I don't recall playing a game that put up a random battle while I was climbing a ladder though. Which game was that?
  5. digirob89

    digirob89 Member

    They have to at least have good settings for random battles. I was playing final fantasy 1 on the gba, and I was in this one cave just trying to get through. In one of the floors literally every single step (or other step) was a battle. It was ridiculous. I just wanted to get out of there, but it seemed impossible because I'd always be in a battle.
  6. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Some RPG's don't run on randomized battles huh? Like secret of mana I think where youcan see the monsters running around and engage them if you like.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I've been on that cave if I'm not mistaken it's an area with a big rock wall that you can go around & each tile is a battle tile. Thtat issue is also evident in the original NES version as well as in the ps one FF origins version. I Think it was meant to be a place where you should level up your characters as that's what I did in there

    As for which games gave random battles on ladders, FF7 is one as well as most of the Older SNES RPGs had this annoying programmer's flaw & oh th Breath of Fire games for the PSone also had this
  8. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ^ yeah ive had battles in FFVII on ladders, and also yeah im pretty sure i remember a cave where you virtually couldnt walk on one of the older FFs
  9. skunny

    skunny Member

    I don't mind the random battles. As long as they aren't too frequent i can predict them to some degree. For example, in pokemon - random battles only happen in caves and grass - you can predict that.

    I've recently been playing Dragon Quest Monster Joker and it is definately a breath of fresh air. The monsters walk around in real time and you can avoid them if your monsters are all half cut.
  10. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    For me it depends wether I intend to level up my chars or I simply want to walk through a passage as soon as possible.
    But all in all if the game is good and the battles look nice(like snes or lufia on gbc at least) I really don't mind fighting more often.

    A good solution was brought up by lufia 3(similar to lufia 2):
    - random battles only outside of villages or dungeons(later on you get your airship as usual so you can avoid them completely)
    - inside a dungeon you see your enemies so you can avoid them if you want to.

    Don't tell me you forgot about chrono trigger
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Why didn't every rpg maker adopt what nintendo did in Earthbound (Mother 2 in Japan), once you're strong enough monsters run away from you but if by chance a fight does occur you instantly kill them w/o entering actual combat?

    That was a stroke of genius but no one copied it!! :'( :'(
  12. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    hell if every RPG worked on the same system half of them wouldnt be worth playing.
  13. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    btw as you speak a new randombattlized RPG came out(but in fu****g japanese): Tales of Innocence