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Romulation users...why are they here?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, May 9, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    We all know the answer to this, WE WANT TO SAMPLE/AVOID PAYING DEAD MONEY TO GAMES!

    ...but why exactly, and is it for you, or family?

    Some I've helped are parents looking for software for kids to keep them happy (difficult task I say but it can be done) while other's are like me, hard core gamers or "curious" players who want to try something new without paying money, or just to sample some game sbefore buying them (the best way, since it helps developers make more games).

    I also download for my brother, he gets bored so easily, and since he get's no income or just not allowed since he is young, he's big brother (me) get's roms, he uses my acekard more than I do (but only because I've tried the new frontier, psp modding made easy)...

    Also, I have stopped working for the last 2 months, and except for a goverment hand out for doing nothing (Rudd's stimulus...thanks MR Rudd :) ) I got no income, and so I can still keep gaming at half the cost, before I would search out the bargins (cheapest game ever-pokemon battle revolution for $30 aus) or wait until special times (birthdays and christmas is when I would buy 2 new games) before I buy anygames...

    What are your reasons, no shame in saying is there?
  2. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, well, originally I wound up here because I was thinking about buying a DS Lite. I found emulators for the GBA and DS and came here looking for roms to try out on them. Hmmm, I think my first games were a GBA Metroid game and Contra 4 for DS.

    After that I bought a DS, eventually getting a R4 and homebrew, and then I downloaded games to my R4.

    If a game is great and I really like it, I do buy games still, lol. But RomU helps me weed out which games are just hyped up and either aren't good or simply I don't like them.

    But mainly, what keeps me coming back isn't the roms, which surprises me, I keep coming back because of the forum! Sometimes I just listen, other times I chime in, but the online community here at RomU is fun and I enjoy it.
  3. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    As a kid, I've been out, looking at hundreds of games I wanted, but I feel too bad to asking my average Joe parents to buy me anything and I never have enough cash, and when I DO buy games.... DOH! The game sucks! So, I try before I buy! I guess the whole rom/iso thing has sort of a culture that fascinates me. When I saw GTA:CW come out, so many people came together to solve a common problem, and although I wasn't part of the solution, it was wonderful for me to watch.

    Without sounding younger than I am, being part of RomU is kind of like being part of a secret club, a feeling that all forums give off, the status of people knowing who you are, but only as an assumed name. Even if games wern't for me, I certainly support ROMs/ISOs, and because I have no money to donate, why not help attract people to a forum with many people?

    More or less, and this is about to sound really weird, I find it kind of a responsibility to be a member of RomU (don't worry, I love this place too!) because I need to do something to support communities like this. RomU is, truly, a no-bullshit site, and that's insanely rare!
  4. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    I used to be here for the games.
    Now I'm just here for the awesome members and the forums !
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i first found romulation because i bought a ds and r4 and it was the best site i found.
    i started to get on to the forums throwing my two cents in on things that interested me, a bit of support for other r4 users and a few angre debate on consoles.

    but i since have sold my ds and i just stay for the community, its like no other forums and i have the ability to talk to like minded individuals (most of the time ;) ) and the subjects cover everything and anything.
  6. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Here Here!
    Until i get my DS fixed or i get a new one, im just here for the un-matchable community!
  7. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Because of the price for games being to high
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Because the only way I can make social interaction is through wires.

    Well it used to be the ROMs. Then, like five minutes later, the community. ;D
  9. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    too many crappy games out there that's trying to suck your money away, so yeah
    and the community. i needed to talk to people more =D
  10. CarnageMayhem

    CarnageMayhem Member

    Because there was a collapse in the space/time continuum, that made a black hole in which matter also collapsed...

    hahaha... Well, perhaps not collapse, but we gathered just next to that black hole, that's why we are here, that's why roms are here, and of course
    that's why seph is the admin... So seph admins black holes :eek:

    And in a less fictional way, because we are greed... Or as in my case, downloading roms is the only way in wich i can play some of the less known great games (imported games are just those too hyped and lately those sucks)...

    Oh yeah, and of course the community
  11. zegaz321

    zegaz321 Member

    I was looking for a site to get some roms and my friend introduced me to this one..so yeah, here I am. xD
  12. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    well i came here for some ds games like metroid prime hunters
  13. aros

    aros Member

    Don't have any money, games priced too high
  14. Peach_is_Awesome

    Peach_is_Awesome Well-Known Member

    Well, I do roms for multiple reasons....

    1. Keeps me from buying a game that sucks.
    2. Parent's money saved for stuff like Nintendo Wii games (Which aren't mass emulated yet).
    3. I enjoy the Romulation community. Even if there's not so many people, it's rather quaint (Kinda like the uncrowded Mardia on MapleGlobal). In fact the community is why I keep returning.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I guess that's why I made this topic, the community!

    Never thought I'd get such response, most of us are here for simerlar reasons, it's a unified thing for everyone I guess...

    It's a shame we can't download roms forever, or otherwise we'd force the companies to shut down (or they come after us-they know we exist :( )

    Oh well, for the moment, we have it good here :)
  16. jevejo777

    jevejo777 Well-Known Member

    first i was here because I'm the oldest in the family, and i had to do all R4 and TTds cards for family and friends, about 15 men.

    but now i come more on the forum than on the main site. i just like it here
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    An older similar thread by yours truly:

  18. Sacker

    Sacker Well-Known Member

    I came here upon trying to figure out a nice home via google.

    I have tested a few other sites before comming to here. I'm usually on alot of PSP forums (use psp alot)
    I never bought any Nintendo handheld recently till now, I came from Game + watch handhelds to DSI. A big jump.
    Being new to DSI overall this place as far as testing purposes was the cleanest for me, in code, visual appearance and friendlier posters living here, for help, etc.
    I have downloaded quite a few roms, more than my wallet can support out of the ones I have tested, I have bought 40 used games, so far from April 16th till now. Romulation save me tons of monies from shovelware types and seeing how the games from Japan are doing. Saved me alot of monies from dupe games from other consoles as well.

    Sometimes Reviews from IGN/GameSpot not always unbiased in thier reviews, just depends who's getting a kickback. Reading reviews can be also mislead consumers since most times that I have found very few demo's for DS. Even renting it just to test the game out is BIG BUCKs..

    Thank you romulation /bows.

    Some games and the controlling aspect in the game not always matching the description, no matter how great the review is on the particular game.

    I like this place alot, for the new friends and place of learning, testing.... I became a member after the 2nd day from testing this site. I had been to 5 others before comming to here.

    /cheers all
  19. OwLz89

    OwLz89 Member

    just bought a dsi recently, and the amount of money i already spend for my ps3 is bad enough, would buy 2 games every month, so to be honest i like the whole idea of the games being free because then i will have that extra money to spend it some were else, but also because all the games can be on one chip, so no needs to carry cartridges around when am out and about, so for know am happy spending money on the ps3 as i have no choice lol.....
  20. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    I came here because I needed a new website to download the latest Nintendo DS games that peak my interest. The old website I was using has idiots in charge who will believe anything that's being said about anyone. Especially if the person has had a good reputation before, and now is having horribly malicious and untrue things being said about them. And as if that wasn't bad enough, they wouldn't even bother helping that person when it came to trying to salvage that reputation. That's what happened to me. In fact, some people I know from that site who still think I'm a cool guy have told me that there's still crap being said about me, even though it's been at least 3 months since I left the site for good. I wish they'd just forget about it, and me. :(

    Oh, and one more thing: Excuse my language, but they also treat the newbies like shit and with the utmost contempt.