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Romulation Sucks!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Megas Mytonius, Apr 24, 2007.

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  1. Megas Mytonius

    Megas Mytonius New Member

    Not really.xD Aanyway, I'm here to interact and of course, to download ROMs! This place is heaven, dude! Peace, Middle-East!
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Not funny. >.<
    Damnit it's not funny. >.<

    You'll have some serious ass kissing to do from now on!
    So better start posting. :p

  3. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    Do not anger the god that is NF lol :p

    Welcome to the forums mate :)
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not really known as NF here Dodo, none besides you, loony and NM will actually get the reference.
  5. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    hold your horses, there eh seph, dont get a heart atack...;D.......welcome to rom mate......
  6. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    NF ? ...nofear ?...sounds good...no more being called Seph for you :D
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the almighty creator.... Now everyone gets the god reference :p
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    How did heck did you know it was nofear?
  9. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I am legend
  10. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    Roflofl :p
    NM doesn't post much too, does he?
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Ooh, a challenger :p best watch your back, seph :p

    btw check your intro thread:
  12. Golden Falcon

    Golden Falcon Active Member

    Lofl, I was just going to post that thread out, but you beat me to it lol
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Oh right, well I guess I got owned. =/
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  15. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    Am I seeing things :eek:
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Hey I can admit to having been pwned by inferior people... I might be God but I'm a gracious God, like the Persian from 300, except you can't kill me with a mere spear.
  17. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    But we can scar you pretty badly :p
  18. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    That hurts man...hurts.
    And who got owned...whats going on ?
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    seph got owned cos he asked how you knew his old nickname, but i pointed out he told us it in his intro thread, so me > seph :p
  20. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I see...but he still called us inferior :(
    I think I'll head on over to Emu-Xperts now :eek:
    Im hurt deeply
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