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Romulation History

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KSbored, Jul 1, 2009.

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  1. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    -A few days ago I googled up Romulation and I found out it received a letter to Shut down a long time ago.
    -I read the old posts from various sites saying that The police was tracking down all the members. But as you can see we are all still here.
    -But the thing that's really been bugging me is that is it really possible for the police to do that?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  3. Patton

    Patton Guest

    Same as Loonylion's answer.

  4. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Why Can't they?
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    First part: Yes.

    Tracking down? No.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    current technology doesn't allow it.
  7. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    It is not a criminal offence to breach copyright, it is a civil offence, therefore it is not a matter for police investigation as the police only deal with criminal cases.
  8. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    the lion knows all...
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Heh, let them try finding me amongst 7,107 Islands ;D

    Besides, local Government laws & Policies differ from country to country, so their charges against me (if ever) will be null & void, basing things on my country's "cluelessness" about ROMs & emulators. If it were porn we're dealing with here I might get in trouble.
  10. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    colour me unimpressed ! I'd doubt that anything could happen. Even if the police where cracking down on us, it's all pick on someone your on size here. The police are all lazy they pick on something smaller on terms of crimes like emulating and download which on a crime scale is 1 -10. When they could be stopping serial killers and theifs and bank robbers and terrorists.

    I'm sorry but I have no respect for any law enforcement. So screw you all who work for the police you can all go to hell!
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    This might get way off topic right here:

    In my honest oppinion, only a measely 2 out of 10 police officers are honest "law enforcers", the rest are either, lazy, corrupt &/or "illegal activity protectors" who just go into action to act like they're doing their jobs :p

    Seriously, where are the John Bakers, Frank Ponchorello (Both from CHiPs), T.J. Hookers, Hill Street Blues & Miami Vice cops these days. Now all we get are Officer Barbrady & Police chief Wiggums' clones :p
  12. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    and Joe Swansons too!
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the problem with the British police is not the officers in general (though in some cases it is), it's the people at the desks higher up in the chain of command, and the fact the service has become politicised (i.e they ignore some crimes by ethnic minorities because it's not politically correct to go after minorities, they search certain groups to 'balance the books' so it doesn't look like they're singling out other groups (when they are, because a higher number of crimes are committed by those groups), they blatantly ignore certain types of crime and they apply multiple standards to groups, e.g they completely ignore crimes by politicians, that would have ordinary people serving lengthy jail sentences, such as large scale fraud, double dipping etc)
  14. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    This is SO off topic, sorry op :'(

    I used to work for the cops as a civilian SOCO, my job was to make sure that nothing that could compromise a case was presented to the law court or seen by a lawyer. Sometimes I would be called to observe an arrest or house entry under warrant, if any allegations where made against the cops then my observations could be used in a court of law. Mostly I reviewed prosecution files made by the cops and was attached to a specialist file prep. unit.

    It was quite obvious to me that my role was to protect the police from themselves. I will not say that my experiences of the police, from the inside, was all bad as there where some cops who where great people and respected justice. There where more cops who had no sense of justice at all, it was not a case of corruption, but more a prevailing ideology of 'lets get the f#@ker no matter what'. Winterreise, I guess you want to get into the police in order to help people and that is something I admire, but there is a good chance you will have your spine broken by a system that favours the professional over justice. Good cops are rare, maybe you will be one of them, but you will have to turn a blind eye to the behaviour of others unless you only aspire to be a beat cop.

    Quoted for the truth, sort of. Loonylion is quite correct when he talks about the politicisation of the UK police. A previous MET police chief famously said that he was glad to be retiring from politics!
    Policing in the UK is very odd. We have more CCTV cameras than anywhere else on earth yet you cannot photograph a cop on duty! We have less street policing in all of europe yet have the largest community police budget in Europe! We have a 'so called' Independent Police Complaints Commision(IPCC) who have been proven to be police lackies. See this as the latest proof http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/jul/01/faisal-al-ani-police-arrest
    We have politicians who have been proven to have committed fraud, who seem to have some sort of invisable protection system called 'parliamentary rules' which means that common law does not apply to them. Justice is sadly lacking in the UK.

    My problem with Loonylion's post is that of minority crime, I think you are correct to identify high rates of crime amongst minority groups, but per capita/race it is not a huge issue, there are high rates of crime in the UK regardless of race.
    Most crimes in the UK are committed by white people against white people. You do have a valid point though, due to pathetic immigration policies more people are coming into the UK with no money and no hope of making any money, so crime in these groups is rising fast.
    This should not detract from the simple fact that the UK is a bit shit when it comes to law and order. We have crime stats that are going against places like France who have a terrible problem with immigration compaired to the UK, yet they have a much lower crime rate.
    There is something rotten in the UK but to blame it on those odd foreign fellows is to escape the long hard look we need take into our sickly political system, our unfair tax system and our 'so called' justice system.
    The foreigners did not make these systems, we did, and thay are utter shite. A good UK would invite good people, a bad UK invites scum.
  15. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    In my Little Town, The cops don't give a damn about singling out ethnic groups. In Fact, on the last few week of school our school cop said on the announcements, ??? "my Laptop has been stolen can all the black kids please come to my office......".Then when he realized it was broken he then said, ::) "Can all the Asians please come to my office to help me fix it......." (I was one of those asians) LOL JK.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not blaming the foreigners. I'm saying that the police should not be trying to 'balance out' their stop & searches, if there is a higher rate of knife crime among black youths then they should search more black youths than other groups. It's not racism, it's targeting the group that is known to have the higher rate of that type of crime, which is efficient use of police resources. Stopping an increased number of people from other groups just to make it look like they aren't targeting one particular minority is purely political correctness; it is wasteful and wrong.

    Also, we the British people did not make these flawed systems that are causing the problems; the political elite did and they have no intentions of trying to correct them. They want things to continue how they are; they're making a tidy packet at our expense, and the immigrants that they allow in ensure that they remain in power (bought votes).
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Loony, firstly no and then yes(in a bit). I do not think that people should be targeted by the police because they are like other people who are a crime problem, to me this is bad policing. You know I live in the north of Ireland, some of my family members where involved in terrorism, I make no excuse for them(f#@k them), they took their path and I had the good sense not to follow, but you seem to suggest I should be tarred with the same brush as my scummy relatives. Guilty by association or race is rubbish.
    On to your point about police balancing out numbers, I totaly agree with you, but is this not a problem with sus. law?
    The cops have performace targets, on paper this means a duty assigned cop must do that duty x amount of times a month. I remember well the day that the cops in my station decided to book all the cops from another station for illegal parking just to fill a quota for the month. Sus. law is anarchy.

    On your second point, about we the Brits, I am not a Brit but a member of the UK. Regardless of the semantics, I know both you and I want a better system in the UK. Today there would be few people living in these isles that think things are ok. I think it is too easy to blame our politicians, we are stuck with the twats that we stupidly voted for.
    In the next general election the Conservatives will win, but will the voters. Do people that vote in the UK get any more from democracy than those who abstaine or spoil votes? I could very easily take the view that any system of politics is better than what we have. I resist such temptations(for now) as I still hold out a little hope that the gits who currently serve the country will actually inact some policy that us plebs can get benefit from.
    Failing that I suggest a revolution, but as I live in the north of Ireland that would seem a bit like terrorism.
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Closing this because you've gone way off topic, good job guys!

    As for op, read here: https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=19156.msg249047#msg249047
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