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Romulation Emulator

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Devillan Blade, Nov 4, 2007.

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  1. Devillan Blade

    Devillan Blade Well-Known Member

    OK...All the firmware & Bios thing is a little bit hard and I want to make it easier. There's a lot of NDS Emulators and some of them doesn't work (except NO$GBA) and I was thinking...But this idea will work only if there are any good programmers in the forums...The idea is: An emulator made by Romulation mixed with Bios and Firmware. Hopefully this idea will work and there will be another NDS Emulator that's better than any other and will be easy to use.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it would be too much work, and the emulators are not supplied with the bios images for legal reasons, not technical reasons.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Err yeah that's not really something we're capable of doing without years of work; and that's a commitment we're not quite ready to make.
  4. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    You probably don't understand how long it takes to make a working emulator. As said, it's illegal to put official firmware and bios when emulators are released due to them well, being software made by a company that's selling it. Emulators them selfs are legal, but packaging files that are copywrited are not.

    There are ways of easily dumping your own bios.
  5. Devillan Blade

    Devillan Blade Well-Known Member


    Anyway,If I got it making an emu takes a lot of work but it's impossible to put Bios & Firmware because of legal reasons...so why not making our own firmware and bios?
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That's almost just as hard. :)
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its even harder than making an emulator...
  8. jacoblam365

    jacoblam365 Well-Known Member

    Devillan Blade, you're quite funny. Well i wonder if it is worth it to put that much time to even code your own bios and firmware. Imagine, a typical emulator took years to develop to perfection. I don't bother looking into the history. so i will just give some numerical figure to bring out my point. let say 5 years. Then if coding the bios and firmware yourself, this will be even harder, so let's give it 8 years. That's a total of 13 years. By that time, I am sure you'll not want to play with DS games anymore (assuming you're talking about DS emulator - if you're refering an emulator that can run all different things, please multiply that years by probably the # of systems emulated) I am sure by that time Nintendo will release something like Nintendo AT (air touch - similar to how tom cruise handle the computer in that movie but is a portable game device).

    you'll probably say, even 13 years, people will play just like NES or SNES emulator:
    OK further more, by 13 years, i am sure if you even release that nintendo official bios or firmware, nintendo will not do anything just like NES or SNES nowadays. (the only way they might do something is when they release another system like virtual console again)

    In conclusion, i don't think is worth it.

  9. kaiden

    kaiden Well-Known Member

    i was just thinking.. and it might sound crazy.. but please try to understand.. and dont be afraid.. why dont you just go bother the people who are actually already working on emulators?
  10. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Ummm, There's an Emulator for the DS called Ideas, It's way better than NO$GBA, you should google it.

    Cheers ;)

  11. Devillan Blade

    Devillan Blade Well-Known Member

    OK..In what way it's better than NO$GBA?
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Well, It compatible with a load more games, NO$GBA crashes a lot, and it has a clearer picture.

    Cheers ;)

  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    which version of the ideas are you talking about, dude??...
  14. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    The newest of course, version
  15. Devillan Blade

    Devillan Blade Well-Known Member

    Lazy-ass programmers...can make firmware but can't make an emulator...
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually the firmware is made by nintendo.
  17. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    who else would make firmware for nds other than nintendo??... :p
  18. romz_mark

    romz_mark Well-Known Member

    um... why would it take so long to make an emulator? :-\ just wondering.
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Because its an extremely difficult and complex process involving a lot of trial and error.
  20. romz_mark

    romz_mark Well-Known Member

    oh. still it looked like a good idea if we had the programmers.
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