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RomU clan (Xbox

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Arcwolf09, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    This is for any game that allows clans or clan tags. If you wish to start a clan for a specific game, then state that game and whoever wants to join it can be added to your Xbox Live. Ill keep a list on this post of games and gamertags.

    MW2: Clan tag RomU
    Shotgun intern

    Halo: Clan tag RomU
    Shotgun intern
  2. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    sweet, what about COD: MW2, until black ops comes out. my gamertag is ILuVFUPAbuRGerS
  3. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    My name is Shotgun intern. I'm so going to have romu as clan tag and would like to play with romu people I mainly fps like cod and halo
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    need people to make the RomU clan!!
  5. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Its goin to be buried. :( i Still put my clan tag for it though.
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    that sucks :( would have been fun
  7. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

  8. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Iv done and still looks out, need to get a team together. Anyone play halo
  9. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i play halo, but mostly CoD: MW2
  10. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    i bet my clan can beat yours and i am a 1 man clan
  11. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Ok add me, the duel is on
  12. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    :D all right :D