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Roms and government (Government issue)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Peach_is_Awesome, Dec 7, 2007.

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  1. Peach_is_Awesome

    Peach_is_Awesome Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone. I was not sure where to post this, but something has been scaring me.

    When I first read about roms (which was about a year ago) I saw of lot of legal issue stuff and I was wondering, do I really have to delete a rom within 24 hours of download?

    Actually, I need to know everything about the government issues of roms. If you could tell me how to stay out of trouble that would really help.[/
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that law about deleting after 24 hours is bullshit. Downloading roms is illegal, period. However, you are very unlikely to end up with worse than a fine if you get caught, as it it not a criminal offence.
  3. Peach_is_Awesome

    Peach_is_Awesome Well-Known Member


    I see you keep editing your message. Also, my windows vista is extremely personal. Almost no one knows I have one except on the internet.

    Umm, still....Should I worry about it?
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    If anyone should worry it would be me, not any of the members. :)
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Hey Peach is AW you need to have a life, seriously!!

    So what if "they" say downloading stuff off on the net is wrong, but si is smoking, drinking, drugs, unsafe sex & alot crap yet still people do em' DUH!!?? ???

    If you're scared then git outta the site man or try downloadin' of IRC or usin' torrents, SHEEEESH!!

    And how'd ya expect to enjoy ROMs if you'll delete them after a day. Try doing that on Pokemon!!

    Sorry guys for picki' on this dude but he's just a LITTLE WHINY BABY WAH WAH WAH! Go suck on your mommy's teats until you grow a spine hehehe.

    Oh who cares if you're using Vista, Bill Gates' Slave!! Har har har
  6. clugenheim

    clugenheim Well-Known Member


    1. Learn how to insult properly.
    2. Learn to type properly.
    3. STFU
    4. GTFO
  7. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Hey masterorly what the hell is wrong if the fella just wanna know if it's safe to download ROMS of the internet?
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Locked because of trolling. It's a perfectly valid concern to have masterorly, no need to patronize people over it.
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