I am trying to get the right configuration of the pcsx2 (emulator for PS2), but when I got everything else that I need (I think), when I tried to run a CD/DVD it says rom2, rom2 and erom not found. I need help about how I can fix this. Thanks a lot!
What are your computer specs? (Operating System, RAM, Processor, Graphics Card). Did you download PCSX2 from the official website? http://www.pcsx2.net/
Microsoft Windows XP CPU 1.80GHz 1.79GHz, 496MB RAM Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 And yes, I downloaded it from the official site. Regarding the BIOS, I copied the BIOS of another PCSX2 that I dowbnloaded beforehand and uninstalled after so I could install the version/file I got from the original site. I had my DirextX updated (have the d3dx9_40.dll & ddx10_40.dll in the system 32 folder in Windows, thus I had a successful update of DX). Does the C++ I hear about have any effect? Bec. that I may not have looked upon yet.
I thought it may be that, too. But I don't know exactly the BIOS that I need to fix it so I asked for help here.