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ROM for Ragnarok

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by captpete311, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. captpete311

    captpete311 New Member

    Does the Ragnarok ROM work just as well as the original game, I didnt know if I should buy the game. thanks in advance.
  2. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Yes, the US ROM works fine & Dandy, its pre-patched already so no need to fiddle with the nds file. Though its all up to you on your morality, They don't sell the Game Cart here so I had to suffice to d/l'ing.
  3. captpete311

    captpete311 New Member

    I already have an AceKard 2i and have lots of ROMS already, just wanted to make sure.
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Works just as well? you mean online play? dont worry ,no MMO included in Ragnarok.You only play in a crappy tower fighting monsters (sigh...) against other players. You can play this rom however you want...but you must be naked and chant a special song before midnight on the roof.

    I only started playing it ... but so far i dont think i can have more than 1 class. Nobody suggested to me i should change to a different class (in allmost all rpg game with class elements,you get a tutorial or a suggestion from somebody that you should do that).
    I got on to LvL 16 on my starter class but the fucktard says i will loose everything plus i can't keep any skills that i already learned from my previous class. this sucks ...
  5. captpete311

    captpete311 New Member

    SO???? Buy it or don't buy it?
  6. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Yeah you should buy it to support the Developers. :)
  7. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Umm its only natural that you can only play as one class and that you loose all the other skills from your other class and also take note of this you DONT loose all your equipment when you change class it just goes back into your bag UNLESS you don't have enough room for it ok oh and you want a class recommendation ok how about Merchant that's pretty good but if your new play as a swordsman (there your average tank) now every game has its ups and downs so may I say STOP COMPLAINING!
  8. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Why should i stop criticizing? is this complaining for you? Because somebody doesnt like something it is not complaining. You have huge problems in your head ,my friend - you take a critique of a game PERSONALY.It is childish and i dont like it.

    thank you for the reccomandation.But no,it is not logical.In other games ,when you learn certain skills and if you change your class,you get to keep those skills. I find the path to become "Ninja" in Ragnarok,somewhat un-appealing. Is this complaining? well,what about this - if i bought the game and i felt it betrayed my expectations,dont i have a right to say my opinion since i bought it ?
    True,i havent bought it...but it still dissapointed me in the those areas i mentioned above.

    ... kid,next time think before you accuse somebody <--- this is a complaint :)
  9. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Man I wasn't attacking you or anything calm down arguing back is childish so I'm gunna stop now.
    Everyones aloud to state there opinions yes so my bad.
    And games don't have to be logical I mean if you become a Knight and then decide to become a wizard how is that going to work the short cut panels would be overflowed and wizards cant even hold swords.
    There might be a cheat to keep all the skills though.
    And also if you don't like something so what?
    And how did I accuse you?
  10. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    That's even more stupid.Arguing BACK ?Are your arguments so weak that they cannot withhold a debate?
    i was just replying to your unjust criticizing of myself,just because i said how the game fails to impress me in certain aspects. I am certainly not agitated because of this.

    Well ,you said "STOP COMPLAINING";) In capital letters it means you were annoyed by what i said and therefore you want my criticizms to end.This can be taken as a personal attack.Not that i feel threatened :) But anyway, if you feel i was complaining and that i complained about stupid un-important stuff,so be it.i just pointed out the bad aspects of this game,thats all.Hardly un-important from point of view.

    I just dont understand the logic of people who say we are complaining (i thought i was only criticizing,but to each his own),just because they like a certain product just the way it is.

    Indeed,so what if i dont like something.Nobody else was critical about what i said,except you ;) I certainly can express my opinions.Maybe others can relate to that.
    Did i say you accused me of something? hmmm,where?

    The funny thing is, you saying i should stop complaining is a complaint itself.