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Ripping ISOs with UMDGen (for PSP's only)

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by dmac154, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    UMDGen Tutorial

    UMDGen is software for PSP gamers who have an ISO/CSO game and want to compress the file even further in order to allow it to fit on a memory stick.

    Things needed:

    A computer
    A CFW PSP (recommended 3.90 M33-3)
    WinRAR installed on said computer
    USB cable
    UMDGen (http://www.psp-hacks.com/file/948)
    And a memory stick

    IF you already have the ISO/CSO, click on the Open tab on the top bar. Navigate to the place where your ISO/CSO is, then open it. When the ISO/CSO is opened, the screen will look like this:


    Click on the Dummy Search icon to remove the dummy files Sony uses to bulk up the game. This will automatically resize them to 0kbs. Secondly, on the left column, click on the PSP_GAME folder where the little + sign is. This will open a couple folders (NOTE: other games have a different amount of folders). Under the SYSDIR folder, delete the UPDATE folder, as it is not important to use that if you are on CFW 3.90 M33-3.

    In order to save your file, you may save it in the following formats:

    ISO: offers the best performance, but a large file for the memory stick

    CSO: slightly smaller size to significant size decrease, less performance as the PSP has to convert the game from CSO to ISO mid play

    DAX: I really don't use this conversion, but it is said to be a compressing format that Dark_Alex created. It holds similar characteristics to CSO compression.

    Recommendation: ISO or CSO is what I use regularly.


    You can also make it convert the ISO's to CSO's and vice-versa. To do this, click on the tab that says Batch Image Converter. Just drag and Drop the ISO/CSO into the lines, then choose the type of conversion you want in the bottom left. If converting to CSO, leave the compression rate at 9, do not fool around with this. Then hit 'start batch convert'.


    Lastly, if you downloaded a game, and when you un-RAR'd it, and you received only a PSP_GAME folder and a .BIN file, you can create an ISO from that as well.

    Just go back to the Explorer tab and drag and drop those files into the left column. Then make your adjustments if you please, then you can save it.


    Padding and Dummy files are 'useless' files that Sony and game developers use to increase the size of the ISO.
    Ripping is the process of taking out/deleting files that you do not need from the ISO/CSO. Some examples that you'd want to rip are movies and sound.


    How to Rip files/folders:
    (I am using Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: the Phantom Fortress [above] as example ISO)

    After you have already opened your game, go tot the left column where it has the small UMD symbol. Click on the + sign. Here some folders should appear under it. The folders you MUST see are: SYSDIR and USRDIR.

    The SYSDIR has a dummy folder. The dummy folder here is the UPDATE forlder. Just right click on the dummy folder and delete it. Just the UPDATE folder, nothing else, or your game will not boot.

    The USRDIR might have folders such as sound and voice. Since this game has both English and Japanese options for voice, and since I don't speak or read Japanese, I deleted the Japanese folder under voice.
    You may also have an option to delete background music (bgm). Here you might see a bunch of atrac3 files. You can choose to delete them if you wish.

    Movies are the popular things to rip from ISO's. Just click on the folder to display the contents in the right column so you can delete individual movies, or just delete the whole folder, your choice.

    If I was not clear before, you can search for dummy files and resize them by using the 'Dummy Search' button at the top toolbar. Not all files can be made dummies, and usually only the UPDATE .BOOT will be made a dummy file.

    After you had fun ripping the crap placed in the game, just simply save your game as an ISO/CSO.
    Please note that not all games are as friendly as this, some games place their data in .pkg files. Example Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, I still have not found a uncompression program for that file extension yet. So I gave up and bought a 2 GB memory stick, and ripped the UPDATE folder...

    There you have it PSP gamers, hope this helped, get to the gaming!
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: UMDGen (for PSP's only)

    just a bit of advice for future tutorials, holding ALT when you press the prt scr button will make it capture only the active window, so the images will not include your desktop, and will be smaller as a result.