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Revised MMO Idea

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jeremiah, Feb 26, 2010.


Would this game be too gimicky?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

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  1. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Chart made more colorful to be less dull...

    If anybody recalls my post here, What do you think about it, The "Gimmicky" Stuff I'd be putting in are most probably:
    - Metroidvania Style of exploration of further maps (double/triple jump,Ground Slide,High Jump/Flight,Teleport,etc.)
    - Sub-School (Players will need to learn specific jobs to gain access to specific Classes.
    Dragoon = Fighter w/ Archer Sub-School
    Trapper = Archer w/ Thief Sub-School
    Templar = Cleric w/ Fighter Sub-School
    Rune Knight = Fighter w/ Magician Sub-School
    Paladin = Fighter w/ Cleric Sub-School
    Alchemist = Trader w/ Magician Sub-School
    Sniper = Trader w/ Archer Sub-School


    1) Would using a art-style similar to Castlevania be distinct in the MMO Industry.
    2) Would it be possible to do the layered Clothing similar to Runescape,WoW & other 3d Games be possible on a Sprite-Style Game?
    3) Would resorting to Sprites be more of a less memory consuming format in making Games?

    Classes I forgot to add in the list: (Will fix later or.. not :p)
    Brawler - Shaman - Soul Guide
    Adventurer -> Explorer/Performer
    Performer -> Bard/Muse (not bound by genders like RO's Bard/Gypsy)
    Explorer -> Hero/Villain (Super Novice... I guess?)

    And I need some opinions on the Classes:
    Berserker = All-out attacker
    Paladin = Holy Fighter
    Dragoon = Short-Range/Melee Spear Fighter
    Cavalier = Tanker
    Enchanter = Element-based Summoner/Enemy Debuffer
    Creator = Neutral-based Summoner
    Necromancer = Zerg Rush Summoner/Poison Cannon
    Mystic = Glass Cannon
    Shinobi = Dodge Tank/Speed Attacker
    Assassin = Dodge Tank/Debilitating Attacker
    Ronin = Melee Equivalent of a Mystic(Weak Defense)
    Alchemist = Area Buffer,Attacker (DoT instead of full damage like Mystics)
    High Priest = Medic/Support Buff
    Templar = A Paladin with more emphasis on healing than Combat
    Shaolin = More combat-oriented Medic
    Sniper = Long Range Heavy Damage Dealer
    Sentinel = Accurate Ranged Damage Dealer
    Tracker = Heavy Ranged Damage Dealer
    Trapper = Trap-Layer,Disabler .etc
    Illusionist = "Blue Mage"
    Rune Knight = "Red Mage" with more emphasis on Fighter Aspects
    Beast Lord = Pet Buffer/Variant of a Fighter with Beast Form Skills:
    Bear - Slow but Powerful --- Wolf - Balanced --- Eagle - Quick Fighter
    Elementalist = Element modifier/buffer/debuffer
    Oracle = Debuffer Summons/Debuffer Magic
    Soul Guide = Support Summons (A Tanker,Medic and Buffer)
    Hero/Villain = Jack-of-all Trades Class
    Bard = Buffs are more offensive oriented and debuffs work more on lowering their defense
    Muse = Buffs are more on defensive orientation and debuffs work more on lowering their attack
    Hexer = Curse Class, Damage dealt on them is recoiled for massive damage.
    Pirate = Variant of Fighter with some short range abilities due to access to a pistol.

    Female Warrior

    Female Knight
  2. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Looks like a cool game that defiantly has potential, would try it for sure if it was released!
  3. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    yup the game would definitely look promising enough for me to play!!
  4. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Nice ideas. Though I would've kept them more private, as you don't know what person is around ready to make all those ideas there's.
  5. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Well if here's something... Ragnarok Online also has a Class named "Rune Knight" and they recently introduced the Ranger Class who have pet wolves (Compare to Sniper's Falcon?)
  6. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    I don't think it will become bad, it sure looks promising.
    Why don't make some attacking magic for bard/muse? I think it can be interesting ;)
    And what does artisan do?
  7. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Oh crap forgot the Artisan... The Artisan can boost drop rates mostly and anything related to monetary stuff. Just like any Merchant Class they can throw money to attack.

    Every Class has some form of attacking skill/magic, For Bards its shooting Magic Notes, For Muses its singing out Magic Notes also...