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Reviews Tab

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jooty, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Jooty

    Jooty New Member

    Hi there. I really enjoy using Romulation, and I have downloaded quite a few roms and isos.
    My suggestion is for a Reviews Tab in the downloads section. By this I mean a new tab called 'Reviews' beside the details, comments, genres and download tabs.
    The reason for this is that I myself have recently been looking for RPGs, especially those on the PS1, as when I owned a PS1 it was a genre I never tried. However, despite plentiful recommendations in the comments section, I find it hard to make real deductions from these- I have no real sense of whether I will like the game.
    I feel this would give users such as myself more of an idea of what we are downloading.
    So yeah, cheers, give it a bit of thought.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you can request a review on the forum in the reviews section (if there isn't already a review for that game).