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Reviews / Comments Criteria

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Quavers, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. Quavers

    Quavers Member

    About 2 weeks ago, I submitted 6 descriptions for the respective "Kodomo No Tame No Yomi Kikase - Ehon De Asobou" 1 to 6. Another day I looked and found that they are no longer there / are deleted and I can't figure out what is wrong with them to get deleted. It was a paragraph naming 3 types of stories (for story telling), story speech / text in Japan / English, extras available etc. The 6 of them were about the same except for the different stories and different extras so the format of the description written were the same except for the change in titles of stories available and change in the description of extras.

    If there is anything no allowed to be written as comments, perhaps you could send the reviewer a PM explaining the reason so that the same mistake would not be made. Otherwise, you could state a list of criterias with a link above the comment box because currently all that is mentioned is:
    "All comments about support will be deleted, comment on the actual game here, for help go to the forum."

    I did not mention about support or post anything off-topic so what else would get comments deleted?
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    No you did absolutely nothing wrong, I however messed up and deleted the database table that held info on our downloads.

    We use what is called a reference system, so each download has an ID. The comments are then referenced to this ID, when the downloads table got deleted we had to use a backup and then add the rest again, this meant that all that which weren't part of the backup got new IDs, so comments, screenshots, ratings, download logs etc. were all pointing at the wrong games, so they had to be deleted.

    I'm terribly sorry and I can only blame phpMyAdmin for being shitty and tricking me into doing it. :p
  3. Quavers

    Quavers Member

    Okay, thanks for the clarification. When I have time, I will relook those and write something again. ;) It's not every time that I save a copy of something that I wrote (like for these) and I can't remember by hard the exact details of the differences between those 6 in the series. :p