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REverse of arcadia WC 2010

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by sliferunited, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. sliferunited

    sliferunited New Member

    im new to romulation forums,so im not too sure about rules,hope people can accept that from me.

    k,straight into it.

    ive got prblems of running the game on my no$gba,ive tried heaps f codes for it to stop from crashing,and i found one that works

    the problem is i tried to get a cheat for all cards,and when i activate the code,the game starts crashing again(when i destroy a monster usualy),even while i got my code for no-crash.

    Can n e 1 give me a all card ar code that dosent make the game carsh?
