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Return of the IRA?

Discussion in 'General News' started by branraf, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member


    Do you think the IRA are really just trying to cause trouble?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It's the real IRA and the continuity IRA that are trying to cause trouble, they're splinter groups, the actual IRA no longer exists.
  3. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    aah, ok, but why are they trying to cause trouble? Is it because of this stupid religious crap again? Honestly, religion is the biggest load of bull I've ever known. But these groups need to realize with their so little numbers they will never succeed.
  4. geffo

    geffo Active Member

    yes its really sad the actions that took place in northen ireland but hopefully peace and order will return to this once beloved country
  5. googolplex1234

    googolplex1234 Well-Known Member

    Like loonylion said, this is the Continuity.

    It isn't because of religion. It is because of the British control in Ireland.
    The Continuity has warned before that they would continue with their attacks until Ireland is no longer part of the UK.

    I think it is worth saying though that the people of Ireland (regardless of religion) do not support the Continuity.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not really anything to do with religion anymore, they now want Ireland as a whole (Northern Ireland and Eire) to be a single entity separate from the UK. And they're too stupid to realise that killing people isn't going to make other people more likely to listen to them. As it happens, most of the people who want Northern Ireland to stay as part of the UK are traditionally protestant, and the IRA splinter groups are mainly Catholic. I think most of the population of Ireland (both parts) just want the violence to stop.
  7. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I live in Northern Ireland or Ulster to give its non-political name. I can say that the people of Ireland as a whole do not wish to go back to the dark days of 'the troubles'. What we have now is a number of very small groups of individuals who have no real support from the community and only exist in those areas in which they operate because they terrorise their neighbours.
    Think of them more as gangsters running a hood with an iron fist than a freedom force and you will have a better idea of their aims. The killing of two soldiers and a cop has much more to do with causing fear in local people than any form of political objective. They are a failure, many years ago they used to get away with running protection rackets to fund their cause but people now stand up to them, we don't fear them anymore. These days they make their money from drug dealing in their little ghettos.

    Of course they still spout their political lies and I guess it may still impress a few people but most of us in Ireland got wise to their game a long time ago. Political idealism is all very well and good but practical issues like poverty and crime are much more relivant to todays Ireland.

    Personally I don't care which bunch of corrupt money grubbing politicians rules Ulster, I will continue to mock them whoever is in charge :p
  8. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Well i think everybody mocks there government in one way or another, but haven't they caught a suspect in the shottings of the two soldiers?
  9. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    The police have matched DNA on a glove found in the car the killers used to a known gangster. Hopefully they will get the people who did it, word on the street says there will be further arrests very soon.
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