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resident evil umbrella chronicles

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ultra, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    anyone saw the resident evil umbrella chronicles at ign? to me i believe it'll be a good game for those who aren't used to the controls of the resident evil games. i actually have a friend who has never liked the controls of the resident evil games and this might make him enjoy or get attracted to the survival horror of resident evil. the graphics looks like resident evil 4 with the same possibility where you can shoot certain parts of the body which would have an effect to it.

    all in all i believe it would be a great game when it comes out later on for the wii.

    post your comments and thought.
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I can't be arsed to search ign for the video, please do provide a link. :p
  3. ultra

    ultra Guest


    here's your link. i'll try to provide one the next time around. also, i could have edited my page but then that wouldn't metion rather there's been added news to it. of course i could be wrong.

    also, you can check out the resident evil 4 wii
  4. totalwar23

    totalwar23 Member

    I'm not as excited as you are. A Rail Shooter? Capcom could have done a lot better than that. Also, I generally find most Resident Evil games aren't that great with the big exception be #4 which is why I'm excited about Resident Evil 5- which won't be coming for the Wii. Instead, a lesser project was developed. What happen? Resident Evil 1-4 was on the Gamecube. I guess this is what the future is going to be. Third party developers will treat the Wii with little regard and give it absolutely nothing except crappy ports. 'sigh'
  5. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    A rail shooter ? You mean like Killer7 ? I hate that game...
    Plus...I thought Resi Evil 4 was a let down...It was more shoot-em-up than survival horror..
    Still good though
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    we don't really know if resident evil 5 is like resident evil 4 in terms of it's mechanics [the way it's played]. yes, i believe this game would be similiar to like killer 7. the shooting isn't all on rails, that's upto you to decide where to turn and shoot. when you look at the video you'll notice that there are red flashes, that means you have to pick either one of the flashes given and kill the monsters before it kills or hurts you.
  7. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    You know what Im thinking, I think that resident Evil 5 is gonna be just like any other first shooter game, prob just like kill zone or more like quake 4..........but with zombie killing monsters.............thats pretty much how much most of the games are left out like that....isnt that right.........?.....Ive played Resident Evil 4, thought it was cool kinda way in a mid evil sence of way the way they made it look......but Im interested in the resident evil 5, I like first shooter games they are the shiznitz........ :p
  8. totalwar23

    totalwar23 Member

    hmm, from what i've read which i can't remember the specifics, i got the impression that RE5 is going to be more of a refined version of 4, more balanced between gameplay and horror, more emphasis on ammo conservation but still pack a good amount of action. plus, i think capcom would focus the game more on survival than shooting like they did in the previous games. but i have to wait for a price drop on the 360 anyway before i can actually buy RE5. But I won't be buying Umbrella Chronicles because of the game mechanics-this isn't an arcade. RE4-Wii edition sounds good though, although i've already played it so many times already. I'm still playing it.
  9. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    hum...you pob right there mate...your prob right there.......however, Im not sure if they already made a game of the movie or its the other way around cuz i dont remember seeing a game of chronicles based on the movie where suposly you go back in time...maybe im dreaming ;D, but if it hasnt come out then im guessing its probably gonna be like the movie....the movie hasnt come out yet has it?...havent updated myself on all this new things..and I call my self a gamer :p
  10. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    If its on rails...they're making a big mistake...
    It might sound cool and nifty...but... :-\ go play Killer7...you'll see
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    meh, rail games are for arcades and/or lightguns. they don't work in any other form :(
  12. Valkerion

    Valkerion Well-Known Member

    RE:C seems to be all about retelling the story of the first games, or at least making a shooter with RE envorments, seems to be something Capcom wanted to do for a long time. They tried free roam light gun and the games were horrible so now there going with rail.

    And theres no wa RE5 will be first person shooter, that would kill the RE franchise defitly. I see a more revamped RE4 coming. Once Capcom finds a good thing they try to stick with it for years, RE4 was big gamble luckly for them they made the system awesome.

    Hopefully RE5 will be scary, they kinda been lacking that lately, i guess cause games like silent hill ect. just were more gruesome. Having low ammo counts and very strong monsters that do alot of damage making your character limp ect. add to the fear in a game. playing with inf health is like "whats so scray about this"